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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

I can't recall ever getting in a Devil Dog sighting report in the past. But this report that was submitted is very interesting and contains some pretty compelling details.

Devil dogs are also referred to as Hellhounds and black dogs.  In European legends, seeing a hellhound or hearing it howl may be an omen or even a cause of death. These Devil dogs are considered to be supernatural for the most part.

Here is the reported sighting that was submitted to us.

- Start Report -

Name: Andrea ******

Email Address: On file

State: OR

County: Deschutes

Date of Sighting: 2012

Time of Day: 12am-1am

Nearest Town: Redmond

Length of Sighting: 15-30 seconds

How many Witnesses: 1

Any Photos/Videos: no

Describe sighting in detail:

I am reporting for another party, a friend, who conveyed an encounter with what they called a "devil dog". Monte said the event occurred close to his rented home in the area of Cline Falls Hwy and 101st Street.

It was a dark, yet moonlit night in the summer of 2012. As, he drove slowly down 101st Street, something caught his eye, to his right. The location was unattended property overgrown with weeds and had a couple dilapidated outbuildings. He slowed to a crawl. He said he half-expected to see a deer, but something didn't look quite right about the movement of an animal he caught sight. At that moment he was at the driveway so he jerked the steering wheel of his car and rolled into the lot in order to hit the animal with his headlights. He wanted to get a better look.

He said it all seemed to happen in the same moment. His lights shone on the creature, it halted mid-bound, and his car came to a stop. He said he sat there shocked at first. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He said it was a VERY large dog. He said it stood still on all fours and towered over thigh-deep weeds.

It lowered it's head to the height of the brush so it's eyes peered over and it's massive shoulders rose above the head. He said it's color was the blackest black he ever saw. It had pointed ears that stood straight up like a Doberman's. He said it glared at him with eyes he could best describe as evil. But he felt he recognized intelligence in the face.

Freezing fear seized him, then quite suddenly. The animal, in a pre-pounce stance, was only 60 to 70 feet away. Monte knew he had to back out on the road, but he felt he could not take his eyes off that thing. So, without turning his head, he used his peripheral vision to make sure no lights were coming behind him on either side. Before he backed out on the road, toward the direction he came, and flew home as quick as he could. When he told me, he said it "creeps him out" to this day.

Thank you, for your contribution to this field of research. Monte wants you to use this information however you see fit.

- End Report -

First a big thanks to Monte and Andrea for sending in this report and giving me the rights to use it.  There is a pretty long history of these types of sightings. It all goes back to the fact that people are seeing something that, at the very least, seems out of the realm of normal for the area.

I also know once you see something that just don't fit into what you consider reality, it can be very shocking. It is not uncommon for people to have PSTD after say seeing a bigfoot or any other strange event.

PTSD can develop in anyone who has experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. It is natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic events. This could be why some sightings/encounters are never reported or are reported years later.

Once again, Thanks to Monte and Andrea.

If anyone else has seen a Devil Dog, feel free to submit it to us.


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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