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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Bodfish, Ca
I recently got in this report of some odd and unusual activity happening in and near Bodfish, CA. It appears to have elements of several different phenomenon. I'm not quite sure to make of it all, but wanted to share it with others in case they have had a similar experience.

Here is the report.

-Start Report- 

Name: Lisa ******

Email Address: On File

State: Ca


Date of Sighting: November 10, 2016

Time of Day:
4:00 pm

Nearest Town: Bodfish

Length of Sighting: 10 seconds

How many Witnesses: Just Me

Any Photos/Videos: Not of this put I have pictures of entities all over the mountain I speak of

Describe sighting in detail:

I moved into my mothers house Sept 1, 2016. She lives in Bodfish, Ca. in a very secluded area. Just a few neighbors. Her back yard stretches into the tallest mountain in our area,but a small mountain that has many strange activities going on...I think in it?

First let me explain the sound that roars. It almost sounds like a jet but not quite. Never see anything overhead and I understand the sound barrier affect. I was constantly looking for an object until I just ignored it, until Nov. 10, 2016. I am walking to my truck to take my dog to the park as I always do and I just happened to look up because the roar was so loud and I saw a HUGE I MEAN HUGE white almost see through air craft 10 times the size of a 747 flying just above the ridge of the mountain dropped down straight INTO THE MOUNTAIN. No booms. It was amazing and I think the sound rumbles from within along with creatures and people of the 4th dimension. They morph in and out of sight. But they can't hide in pictures.

I am always taking pictures of this mountain it oddly has things change on it, I understand the sunlight changes things dramatically but rocks and dirt always moving, caves appearing then vanishing. Every picture has faces of people clear as day, people standing in different places, alligators in some, giant ants, elephants, demons, giants and much more.

And I just saw a truck that said UFO investigators camped at the Old Ghost Town down the street. It was to late to drop in but first thing in the morning I am going to see whats up.

-End Report-

First, a thanks goes to Lisa for sharing her experiences with us.There are things going on that fall into several different categories. It is an interesting report and I thought I would share it.

Maybe, Lisa will have an update for us in the future.


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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