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Sunday, November 27, 2016

This report was submitted to me by our researcher in training Wyatt Zombro. He has done the leg work on this case and interviewed the witness. I will input some of my commentary but the bulk of this work was done by Wyatt. I'm only putting it all together. -Tom

First lets start with the photograph. The picture was taken 3 or 4 months ago in Morgan county West Virginia by Steven. We are only using his first name to protect his identity. Steven took the picture around 12 or 1 o'clock in the day. The circle rainbow stayed in the sky for about an hour. While the picture is beautiful, there is something potentially odd about it.

A rainbow like this does happen from time to time but if you look at the top of the rainbow there appears to be a UFO. As you can see in the zoomed in picture a dark object is towards the top of the rainbow.

During the interview, the witness said he did not notice the unknown object at the time.


The shape of the unknown object seems to be in the shape of a fedora or a bell type shape. Of course this could be nothing more than something on the lens but it does appear to be an object that was actually in the sky.

While we can not say just what this object is, or even if it was an actual object, it was worth talking to the witness and attempting to gather more information about it. Thanks goes to Steven for allowing us to use the picture and for doing the interview.

Have there been other reports of UFO's around rainbows? Yes, it seems to happen very often.


This report by TCC's Wyatt Zombro.Wyatt is a Cryptozoology enthusiast, enjoys being outdoors and exploring the forest. Wyatt researches bigfoot in his home state of West Virginia. Wyatt also has interest in other mysteries such as UFOs and ghost.

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1 comment:

  1. gay aliens? in my space? its more likely than you think


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