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Monday, October 17, 2016

Compelling Bigfoot Evidence We Don’t Normally See
Two Bigfoot Researchers And Their Unusual Find

By Dorraine Fisher

   Most bigfoot research brings a lot of evidence we see on a regular basis. Stick formations,
 footprints, hair samples, etc. All are important but are fairly normal to find these days. So when I see
something different or out of the ordinary that I believe is important to note, I like to bring attention to it.
Charles Tarver next to upside down tree.
 Bigfoot researchers Cynthia and Charles Tarver were driving down a road in Kisatchie National Forest in Louisiana when they found this unusual tree. Luckily they had good eyes for detail and noticed it at all. They would have been really easy to miss. This tree have been turned upside down and jammed into the ground like sticks. Except that it is a full-grown mature tree. It would take super strength like that of a bigfoot or special equipment to accomplish this. And it’s important to note that the Tarvers said that no evidence of disturbance to the ground, either recently or in the recent past, was found around the tree. No chainsaw evidence or anything else...as we can concur from these photographs. The Tarvers believe this unusual tree may mark the entrance to an area occupied by sasquatches. Many other formations of trees and sticks in bigfoot-occupied areas are believed to be landmarks, warnings, or other communications they may use to help each other or even deter each other from entering a territory.

Now, our team has seen this phenomena of upside-down trees before, but very rarely. And one such find involved our TCC team mate Jason Morse who also found very large upside-down trees back in July of this year (Click here). And at that time, we asked if anyone else has seen such a phenomenon before, and we’re asking again for opinions and any input. We’ve also been told that loggers have done this type of thing, but these trees are being found in protected areas where no logging takes place and there’s no evidence of heavy equipment usage.

We believe this is a very significant find. It would be easy to dismiss this as human work, but I believe it’s always important to never ignore possible evidence. It all adds information to our huge database about these creatures.

So, tell us what you think? Territorial markers? Warning signs, even? Have you ever seen or heard about this phenomenon before?

Other post that might be of interest:
Bigfoot Sticks and Trees
Oregon Stick Formations
Bigfoot Stick Evidence


This Post By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Dorraine is a Professional Writer, photographer, a nature, wildlife and Bigfoot enthusiast who has written for many magazines. Dorraine conducts research, special interviews and more for The Crypto Crew. Get Dorraine's book The Book Of Blackthorne!

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  1. I think you people harm real research by scaring off the scientists with all of the gibberish about "evidence". Unless you can attribute something to a source, it is not "evidence" of anything. You do not even know who, or what, did that to the tree. You want Bigfoot to be real so bad, you see Bigfoot in everything. Stop saying "all of the hair, scat, etc. evidence" as there is none. Every sample ever submitted for testing turns out to be a known animal.

  2. Scepticism is an important part of science, but also to dismiss potential observations from the habitat of one's study is very unscientific. As an outside observer who is fascinated by this subject matter, the importance of the quest for the TRUTH is a goal for all involved with this subject matter.

  3. Testing is finding a match of known species that match the samples given to any lab involved. Many samples are tested and are labeled as an unknown species or human in origin. Maybe bigfoot DNA is more human than ape, this is more probable.


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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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