Tye's foot next to track |
Recently, the bigfoot hunting team of Corey and Tye discovered what appears to be a very nice bigfoot track. Here is what the team from Iowa reported about the tracks.
"This is a footprint we found on a rock bar in the river last week. You can see the toe impression and heal. I wear size 13 shoe and shoe is 13" long and my foot is little over 11" long but this print is around 14 and wider than my shoe. There were big broken rocks near the print and we heard rock clacking on the rock bar the night before. We found a pair of footprint impressions nearby that were nearly 2 foot long, it's probably from the 13 footer we have seen several times. A 22" plaster cast was taken from our local state park but had disappeared."
The Iowa duo have been documenting bigfoot activity for many months now. The team have reported hearing whoops and howls.The daytime howls were recorded and we have an enhancement on our youtube channel, click here to hear that howl.
Recently, the team has had something taking some of their food offerings.
"We've been having apples taken out of an ice cream bucket that we have hunging up. We filled it up with apples. We had a banana taken out of the bucket, also."
If you would like to hear more about the research going on in Iowa, Corey and Tye are Scheduled to be on Daniel Benoit's show on August 3rd. You can find Daniel's show by Clicking Here or
you can get the link from his facebook page. (found here)
Hopefully, in the coming months, we can continue to give you updates on Corey and Tye's research efforts in Iowa.
A special thanks to them for sharing information with us.
This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.
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