Ancient Alien Contact?
If Aliens Never Visited Earth, What Are They Doing In Our Ancient Art?
By Dorraine Fisher
If Aliens Never Visited Earth, What Are They Doing In Our Ancient Art?
By Dorraine Fisher
Science continues to either ignore or completely deny the existence of aliens and their possible role in our history. Of course, there may be no way to verify it all by the scientific method. But to some of us it’s pretty obvious that we’ve had unusual visitors in our ancient past. Why else would figures like these turn up in our ancient art and texts?
This statue said to have been found in Jerusalem by archaeologist Sir William Petrie, seriously resembles descriptions of modern accounts of grey aliens. It seems to be wearing an Egyptian-style headdress of some sort, and on the right side of the frame, the inscriptions appear to depict alien encounters, including a saucer-shaped craft beaming light downward.
Scientists and other researchers often explain these as the ancients depicting mythical beings. But what if they were depicting things they actually saw? On looking at this statue, it’s well worth asking the questions.
This painting from 15th century of the Virgin Mary depicts what looks an awful lot like a saucer-shaped craft hovering over the scene . A man can be seen staring up at the craft, while his dog sits looking upward barking at it. It seems like an awful lot of detail and context for an event that never happened. Why would an artist in that time with no knowledge of such things create a painting such as this?

Just exactly what is the object in the top of this painting? Painted by Flemish artist Aert De Gelder, and titled The Baptism of Christ, it’s hard to say this object is anything else but a depiction that matches modern accounts of “flying saucers,” complete with beaming rays of light streaming down on the scene. Artists were often depicting a biblical story the way they were told it happened. So why would Gelder depict such a pivotal event this way? And even if he made the whole thing up, how could he even imagine such a thing at that time unless suggestions of such a thing had been made by others? And how would THEY have imagined such a thing?
Another depiction of a grey alien in an ancient carving that graced an archway of Nazlet El Samman, Egypt. It’s origin is still considered a mystery, though it doesn’t seem quite as mysterious to us.
5000 BC. Extremely curious ancient cave art from Kimberly, Australia.
A curious petroglyph in Sego Canyon, Utah, USA.
The most interesting thing about all this is that there was no place to stop. There are endless numbers of examples all over the world. Scientists scoff at the idea of aliens, but don’t offer satisfactory explanations that are any less ridiculous than ours. Check out the rest of these.

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