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Monday, July 18, 2016

Running Time: 93 minutes
Written & Directed 
Travis Bain

Where to start.... well, first this film was shot in the forest of far North Queensland and to my surprise, the area looks a lot like my neck of the woods here in Kentucky. The scenery is nothing short of breath taking. I went into this movie knowing a little bit about it and always thought it looked interesting. I finally got around to purchasing it and giving it a good watch.
The plot line is pretty straight forward, two down-on-their-luck pest exterminators set out to search for lost gold in the thick forest.  Of course, anytime you are dealing with a large sum of money, greed always comes into play, and it is no different in this film. What is different, different than your typical "look for treasure" films, is that this area of forest is home to the Yowie. The Yowie is basically what us Americans call Bigfoot or Sasquatch. So, as the film progresses the fortune seekers are being stalked by a Yowie.

During the course of the film, we learn that several people have gone missing while in this forest. This is where you get to meet a familiar face in the film. Vernon Wells, who you will probably recognize from the movie The Road Warriors or one of his other numerous roles. He plays a deeply embedded detective trying to solve the case of the missing people.

I know, with us being a Bigfoot site, you want to know about the Yowie creature in the film...well here it goes. The creature in the film, the suit used, is not the best in the world, but it is not bad either. The director, Travis Bain, does a good job letting you see the Yowie without really seeing the flaws in the suit. Another plus is that you get the see the creature very soon into the movie and very often in the movie. So, considering that the film had a limited budget, the suit, along with the filming, makes it more that adequate.

During the course of the film, there are some intense scenes between the treasure hunters, the detective, and the Yowie. Of course, I don't want to post any spoilers, but there is a lot of gun play in the film. There is also some gore in the film but it is limited and done pretty good for the most part.

In the end, I enjoyed the film and found it to be entertaining. It is far better than much of the corny films you see on the SYFY channel. Please be aware, that this is a horror/adventure film and that the Yowie is not a cuddly forest friend in the film.

Also, of note is that the DVD contains a lot of extra content. It even has several of Bain's older short films, which I found entertaining.

So, if you are looking for a pretty solid fright type of film, Throwback, fits the bill pretty good..

The film was very well made and the picture quality is crisp. The pace of the movie is pretty good and there is very little lull time.

Here is my final rating.
Rating: 3 out of 5 


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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