On a recent research trip to East Bethany, N.Y, I found three possible bigfoot knuckle prints. The prints were behind the house we were staying at during our investigation. I found three prints in line and made a casting of the best one. The possible knuckle prints were about 6 feet apart, that is what made me think it could possibly be a bigfoot. It appeared as if it was moving along fairly good without any problems. There were also a lot of deer tracks around the possible knuckle prints.
Here is the casting and some measurements.
The three knuckle prints, I assume, are the index finger, the middle finger and ring finger. Each proposed metatarsal ranges from 2 1/4 -2 3/4 inches long, as opposed to my 1 1/4-1 3/4 inch finger bones.
For more of a comparison - my middle finger is about 1 3/4 inches in length as seen in this photo.
Now, in what I'm assuming is the middle finger in the print casting, the length is much greater. The middle finger appears to be closer to 3 inches.
Here is a hard to see photo.
While, I can't say for 100 percent that these knuckle prints were made by a bigfoot, I think it is safe to say that whatever made them was much larger than my hand print. I also thought it would be better to make a casting, just in case.

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