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Gives Sasquatch The Leg-Up In Stealth And Cunning?
It Be The Hair???
Dorraine Fisher
the years I’ve read and heard about stories in ancient cultures in
which human hair was considered a source of almost supernatural
powers. The bible story of Samson and Delilah being the most famous:
When Delilah cut Samson’s hair, the undefeatable warrior was
finally defeated. And I always wonder. Was it based on some
knowledge that’s been lost over the years?
ancient matriarchal cultures believed that women with the most body
hair, like pubic hair, were the most powerful women, and only they
were raised to the status of shamans. And Native American warriors
often kept their hair long, and were extremely superstitious about
cutting it, claiming they lost their advantage in battle. And when
Genghis Khan conquered the people of China, he is said to have forced
them to cut their hair and wear bangs over their foreheads. Bangs
were considered bad luck because they covered the proverbial “third
eye,” believed to be the source for intuition. Where have these
ideas come from in unrelated cultures in far- reaching corners of the
world? I was curious.
on mammals are known to be very sensitive receptors that help them
sense danger, navigate in the dark, and decide if they can fit into
small spaces. This could explain that supposed sixth sense, or
intuition. And though many pet owners remove these receptors on
their dogs and cats, increased confusion in the animals has been
reported, along with diminished spatial awareness as a result.
with this information in mind, it wasn’t that much of a stretch to
wonder if the story about the Vietnam War Native American recruits
has a shred of truth to it. It’s a story that’s popped up in
front of me a few times in the last few years and never seems to die.
So here goes. This was reported by a woman anonymously whose husband
had been VA psychologist and treated vets with Post Traumatic Stress
the Vietnam War, the war department’s special forces were in
desperate need of recruits with special abilities in tracking,
stealth, and survival skills. They needed men who proved to have
outstanding and sometimes almost supernatural abilities in hunting,
tracking and navigating in rough terrain. So they sent undercover
agents out searching for these types of men, and the target areas
were most often Indian reservations.
as the recruiters often do, they managed to suck these specially
talented young men into the fold for their special forces, and
trained and prepared them for the field. This preparation, of course,
included the standard military haircut.
a strange thing happened when they were sent into service in the
field. They seemed unable to perform as they had at home. These
special or even “supernatural” abilities had been hindered
somehow, and enough casualties and performance failures were reported
that the military was forced to investigate and do an extensive study
on the matter.
the older recruits were interviewed and asked where they thought the
whole thing went wrong, they consistently claimed their military
haircuts had put them at a disadvantage. They could no longer sense
danger, and they had lost their intuitive skills. So the army sent
recruits back into the field, but allowed them to keep their long
hair. And sure enough, they performed much better beside other
warriors with the standard haircuts. The story had so much impact
that it was said that this report made the VA doctor grow his
whiskers and hair out and never cut them again after he read this
report. And it’s also believed this information is purposely being
kept from the public by the government.
where am I going with this? Animal hair, human hair; hair is hair.
Right? But is their more to it than just style choice and body
cover? A lot of signs are pointing to the idea that there may be a
lot more to it than we ever imagined.
Let’s examine the creature known as bigfoot, a very
large mammal, who is believed by many researchers to possess
amazing, possibly almost supernatural abilities for staying well
hidden, eluding humans, and surviving in a dangerous world without
being detected. Could their hair, having never been cut in their
entire lives, be an important part of the puzzle?
whiskers on animals and hair on humans really do have some kind of
built-in receptors that make up intuition or that “sixth sense”
we know exists, can another type of animal/human like bigfoot have
evolved this skill even further to elude humans in a world where
humans are their worst enemy? Could it actually be something as
archaic as the hair that gives them a physiological and psychological
edge? Bearing all this information in mind, and looking at the
stories throughout history, it’s at least worth thinking about.
we might want to think twice about cutting our own hair.
This Post By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Dorraine is a Professional Writer, a nature, wildlife and Bigfoot enthusiast who has written for many magazines. Dorraine conducts research, special interviews and more for The Crypto Crew. Get Dorraine's book The Book Of Blackthorne!
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Fantastic article! I was realizing this the other day. When a woman shaves her legs and wears shorts, sometimes with static in the air, you feel a strange bubble around your legs that feels weird and like a cushion of static pushing out and pushing away the air. It's hard to describe, but it made me think about phantom limb syndrome or perhaps that hair follicles have remnants of sensory cells that can feel the static in the air.