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Shad Bay area |
- Start Report -
Name: Alisha
Email Address: On file
State: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Date of Sighting: may 15 2010
Time of Day: 11:30 pm
Nearest Town: Halifax
Length of Sighting:
How many Witnesses: 3
Any Photos/Videos:
Describe sighting in detail:
It was a very clear moonlit night and I was driving home from work in Shad bay area. As I started up a hill I noticed a fur tree on the side of the road shake. And out of the woods came some kind of animal that was very tall standing on two legs.
In a matter for 2 seconds it walked out onto the road in front of my car and i slammed on the breaks with it inches from my bumper.
It had to be at least 8 feet tall and had reddish brown fur or hair. It looked right at me and I froze still and couldn't believe what I was seeing. The greenish glow of the eyes seemed to pierce right threw me.
It looked very muscular, almost like a horse would with a long coat. This all happened in a matter of seconds and another car coming from the opposite direction stopped immediately after coming over the hill and the creature took a few strides and was gone.
The couple in the other car pulled up along side mine and said "what the f**k was that. I was still in shock and barley could get a word out. We talked from a brief minute but I just wanted to get home.
This happened only a few minutes from my house and to this day I will not go outside by myself at nigh and thinking of this still makes my hair stand on end! I have heard others have seen something like this around the area before.
- End Report -
A big thanks to Alisha for submitting her sighting. Yes, indeed there has been other reports close to this area. We have had a few reports from the Nova Scoita area. One in particular was from Leo Frank.

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