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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Jay checking out some tree breaks

Well, we finally made it to our 20th episode/post in our "Interviews" series. In this short interview we talk with Jay Haas, a researcher from Iowa.

Jay shares his research in the Bigfoot Network of the Midwest group found on facebook.

Here is our interview.

TM: How long have you been researching/studying Bigfoot?
JH: actively since 2001

TM: What got you interested in Bigfoot, Was there a particular event that got you started?
JH: I had encounters from childhood.

TM: During your research/studying of Bigfoot, have you ever encountered aggressive behavior or felt in danger from a Bigfoot?(details please)
JH: At 16 yrs old, a friend an I got a vocalization warning at very close range. I will never forget it.

TM: It seems Skeptics are always ready to attack Bigfoot research, How do you deal with it?
JH: I don't worry about others.They have a right to there opinion. My friend was a non believer at the kitchen table.Then he had an encounter with me. He can no longer deny. Some can't accept without some kind of encounter, that fine with me.

TM: Would you like to see Bigfoot accepted and/or proven to the general public?
JH: Yes.

TM: What is your favorite time of year to research/study Bigfoot, When do you have your most success?
JH: I like different seasons.Winter for tree structures, I seem to be most success during summer. I love to go out at night with no wind.

TM: Do you have a favorite Bigfoot story or report?
JH: Albert Ostman Story of him being kidnapped by Sasquatch.

TM: What would you be doing if you wasn't researching/studying Bigfoot?
JH: I would be missing out on a very precious opportunity.

Thanks for taking part in the interview, keep us posted on your Bigfoot research.

- End of Interview -

Actual Bigfoot field research can sometimes be very challenging with difficult terrain, insects, snakes and a host of other possible pitfalls. We have to have "Boots on the ground" to make headway. As a researcher myself I can appreciate people like Jay and the others I have interviewed, for actually facing these obstacles of field research.

We who do this often times face a lot of ridicule for our interest in Bigfoot. It is also a somewhat costly endeavor and time consuming. It takes some determination and drive to continue researching. My hope is that by doing these short interviews, researchers get some recognition for their hard work and efforts. I hope you will take the time to read some of our past interviews with these researchers.

Have a blessed day.


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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