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Friday, August 15, 2014

Bigfoot researcher
Dan Baker working in the field

This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

Interview With Bigfoot Researcher Dan Baker

In our 17th interview in the series, I get to interview Sculptor and Bigfoot Researcher Dan Baker.
Dan has also recently form a fast growing Facebook group called American Primate Exploration or just simply A.P.E., So make sure to check it out.
I hope you enjoy this interview.

- Start Interview -

TM: How long have you been researching/studying Bigfoot?

DB: Studying Bigfoot in general for 20+ years. Actively involved in field research for 4 years. .

TM: What got you interested in Bigfoot, Was there a particular event that got you started? 

DB: I was 12 years old in 1967 when Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin made the world famous film and I was hooked from that time on. I had the opportunity to tell Bob Gimlin that very same thing and his reply was "I'm sorry". Lol .

TM: During your research/studying of Bigfoot, have you ever encountered aggressive behavior or felt in danger from a Bigfoot?(details please)

DB: Once while out in the field, some of our team members were growled at, and on another occasion, a large rock was thrown and hit a guardrail on a road about 250 yards away from us. We never really felt in any kind of serious danger.

TM: It seems Skeptics are always ready to attack Bigfoot research, How do you deal with it?

DB: My answer to skeptics is that "Absence of proof is not proof of absence". I have grown a much thicker skin than I once had, and I continue to move ahead.

TM: Would you like to see Bigfoot accepted and/or proven to the general public?

DB: I would like to see more acceptance of Bigfoot, but not at the expense of the creature's well being. I believe that educating the public is the first step, but it should be done in a way that it includes the participation of the people in the learn process. I.E. question and answer periods etc.

TM: What is your favorite time of year to research/study Bigfoot, When do you have your most success?

DB: My favorite time of year for research is the fall. It seems as though there is more movement during this time of year around the harvest.

TM: Do you have a favorite Bigfoot story or report?

DB: My favorite story is of my sighting that Dorraine Fisher interviewed me about. (Found HERE)

TM: What would you be doing if you wasn't researching/studying Bigfoot?

DB: I would most likely be studying anthropology and paleontology if I weren't doing Bigfoot research.

Thanks for doing the interview and good luck with all that you do.

Dan with the legendary Bob Gimlin from the famous Patterson-Gimlin bigfoot footage. The footage shot that day in 1967 was of a female Bigfoot and the footage is still being debated and reviewed all these years later. 


Sculpture of  "Monster Man Dan" now doubles as a logo for 

- End Interview -

Dan is a fine sculptor, researcher and person, we recommend you check out his facebook group.

I hope to do more interviews in the coming weeks.


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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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