Savannah River area

Fever Pitch: The Strange Sounds of the Swamps
What Are These Sounds?
By Dorraine Fisher
Some strange monster tales come out of the swamplands of North America. Since the times of the earliest settlers, stories of strange sounds and happenings have permeated the local culture. And some there have even seen some pretty weird things they couldn’t explain. A few were even left with a fear they couldn’t shake. Was the strange atmosphere of fog, heat, and gloom causing their minds to play tricks on them? Or is there really something creepy out there that we’ve yet to discover?
The following sound recording was submitted by Dave Moser and Carolina Bigfoot Field Research (CBFR). It was recorded on the cool night of February 8, 2014 in Georgia on the South Carolina side near the Savannah River. They recorded an entire event that night, but are left wondering what exactly it was that they captured. And Dave offers some details about the scene and the team’s thoughts about the events that unfolded that night in a statement. And you can make up your own mind what you think might be making these sounds:
Dave Moser:
"The strange howls were recorded on February 8, 2014 in one of our research areas on a Georgia Swamp near the SC/GA boarder. This is the same location where I had previously recorded a Troll like figure (The name Troll is used as a reference to an unknown small creature that was recorded on 11-16-13) on my Thermal Camera. The recording is 15 minutes long due to the intensity of the encounter which took place around 10PM. At that time we began to hear a pack of dogs; possibly hunting dogs (never saw or heard any hunters or lights from people following them) start to bark within 100-150 yards across the swamp we were camped on. Around the 3:30 minute mark the dogs barking intensity begins to pick up most likely because they have treed whatever it was they were tracking. You also begin to hear a loud dog-like howl close to the recorder (location was 75 yards below our camp). These Howls vary in intensity but the frequency ranges from 300 to 800Hz and occasionally higher. No dogs vocalize in the 350-500Hz range. What makes this howl suspect is the frequency and structure of the vocalization. Eventually the howler on our side of the swamp starts to head toward the group of dogs across the swamp and during this time there are also some strange scream-like sounds that seem to come from the area of where the dogs are barking insanely. At times the dogs stop barking as the loud howling animal moves toward their area. Once the loud howler gets close to the pack on the other side, you hear some yelp like cries from the direction of the barking pack. While listening to the encounter you can feel the intensity and suspense of the situation which was one of the most unusual things I have ever heard. We have no idea of true nature of what we encountered that night. My thermal camera is in for service so I did not have it at my disposal. Something of note is that during the 15 minutes of chaos, a semi-thick fog enveloped the swamp area for close to 5-8 minutes and then suddenly dissipated. Something else of note is the grunt, gasp or whisper heard around the 1:38 minute mark, we have no idea what that was as no one was near the digital voice recorder."
[Source: Carolina Bigfoot Field Research]
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Sounds just like my coon dogs when they tree a coon.