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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Not Actual Photo
A couple days ago I got an unconfirmed report out of Virginia from a local man who over heard some bigfoot talk at the Back of the Dragon event. If you are not familiar with this event, it takes place in the town of Tazwell, VA and goes to the town of Marion. Thousands of motorcycle and sport car fans gather there for the annual event, where the 32 mile ride event takes place. People from all over come and enjoy the sports cars, music and food.

Well, it seems that during the 32 mile ride, one of the drivers saw something large and hairy run across the road in front of his car.
The best I can remember the driver was complaining that it was dangerous, as the cars go pretty fast and wanted to know what it was or what the purpose of it was. I'm thinking he thought it was staged.
Well the people who host the event had no idea what he was talking about and basically told him it was nothing that they had done.

Now I hear that this drive may have gotten a video of this possible bigfoot as well, but like I said I have not been able to officially confirm the sighting. I do trust the source who told me what he had over heard but it seems this possible sighting was not taken down or reported to any other officials or sources. It would be a shame if it was totally lost.
I do know that this area has numerous bigfoot reports, so it could very well be true.

So If anyone has any knowledge of this possible sighting, feel free to contact me.

Here is a video of the event to kind of let you know what it's about.


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Tuesday, November 12, 2013 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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