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Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Haunting of Whaley House
The Haunting of Whaley House
The Haunting of Whaley House
Rated: NR, Running Time: 90 minutes
Directed by Jose Prendes
Release date: 2012, Available Now- Blu-Ray, DVD, Streaming
 Movie Review
Thomas Marcum

This fictitious movie is loosely base on the haunted folklore of the real Whaley House. During the making of this film the real Whaley House was considered for shooting the film but after going into the real Whaley House the director seen that the rooms were just too small to fit the cast, crew and equipment in them.

Now my thoughts about the movie. My wife and I sat back tonight and wanted to watch a decent scary movie, so we picked The Haunting of Whaley House. The basic premise of the movie is what got our attention, a small group of amateur ghost hunters spend a night in the haunted Whaley House.
The movie starts off pretty good and the set up is decent enough, the set up being that a tour guide at Whaley House don't believe the house if really haunted. It's not too long into the movie that the non believing tour guide is talked into taking her friends into the Whaley House for a night visit. There are several gruesome deaths during the movie and a few "jumpy" parts. The acting is decent enough but there is some weak and/or over acted scenes and in some of the scenes the lighting is not the best and the results is a too dark scene but it really don't effect or change the enjoyment of the film.

Overall we found the movie entertaining and my wife actually stayed awake until the end, which rarely happens. If you are a fan of ghosting hunting shows, which is the fan base this film seems geared towards, you might like this movie. While this movie is not a homerun or a must watch by any means, it is a decent film for a cool October night. The movie should be enjoyable for both believers and non believer in the paranormal. Check out The Haunting of Whaley House on Facebook by Clicking Here.

The Haunting of Whaley House is presented by The Asylum, who recently made some waves with the movie Sharknado.

Rating: 3 out of 5


[Links: Real Whaley House, Whaley House Movie]

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