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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Is Nessie Real?
Nessie - Real or Not?

By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Professional Writer, a nature and wildlife enthusiast who has written for many magazines.

Does The Loch Ness Monster Really Exist?
Extreme Monster Hunter, Adam Davies, Weighs In
By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher 

            Most of us in the bigfoot world believe in the creature because there’s enough evidence floating around out there to give us good reasons. Hundreds of researchers around North America and around the world are collecting evidence nearly every day, listening to hundreds of stories and filing reports. It’s enough of a constant cycle of sightings and reports to at least give all of us reason to believe we need to examine the subject further.

            Bigfoot gets a lot of attention because he’s earned it. He keeps popping up in lots of places around the world and holding everyone’s interest. But when you look at Facebook pages and websites dedicated to The Loch Ness Monster, there doesn’t seem to be so much activity; one recent report and photo among a few other scattered sightings over the course of time. No volume even close to the number of bigfoot and yeti reports around the world.

            So does The Loch Ness Monster, aka Nessie in Scotland warrant the same attention and emotional investment from researchers and locals there? Does it really exist? I just had to ask our favorite cryptid hunter, Adam Davies, the guy who’s actually been there and done the work to look for Nessie and worked with National Geographic, Monster Quest, and Finding Bigfoot, what his thoughts are on the subject. He knows lake monsters exist. He’s actually seen one. And even though it’s a really hard thing in the cryptid world for a cryptid researcher to say he doesn’t think a certain cryptid exists, Adam seemed pretty comfortable saying it’s his opinion that Nessie doesn’t exist, and he explains why:

“I know Lake Monsters exist.

Importantly, so do credible scientists. 

In 1999, I was part of a team which used a hydrophone to prove the existence of Selma, the Norwegian version of Nessie. 

You could clearly hear the animals seemingly communicating with one another. So convincing was it that it led the Marine Research Institute in Bergen to conclude we had found an unknown species. Importantly, I also saw it. 

In Loch Ness a year later, I tried the same approach with the hydrophone. Simply put, apart from fish, there was nothing very interesting registering on our hydrophone.

What could it be in the Lake then? Well, to dismiss all the accounts as  floating logs, wakes or just lies was incorrect in my opinion. I remember seeing a particularly persuasive account by a Monk who had certainly seen an animal in the water. He described its specific movement through the water. He had certainly seen an animal.

What could it be then? Fishermen at Foyers told me they had seen huge eels in the Loch. Large eels would explain the shape of the animal many people were describing, I concluded. I was never a fan of the `sturgeon theory.`

I would be delighted to be proved wrong! If anyone does, I will join the queue to shake their hand.  However, the only way I can see Nessie actually existing is if it is an infrequent visitor to the Loch.”
But Adam certainly hasn’t lost faith or the inspiration to keep searching for these types of
creatures, as he expressed further thoughts about that in his  statement:                                                                                                                                                      
“Fascinatingly though, I heard on several occasions from locals about Loch Morar.  One very well known Nessie skeptic suggested that I look there to see my second Lake Monster, as did locals. With its clear waters, and without the tourist focus of Loch Ness, it has a real appeal.

If there is a Lake Monster in Britain this is the best place to search.

I know Lake Monsters exist…”

            So is it possible we all just caught a glimpse into where Adam’s headed next?  He  

wouldn’t say, so who knows?  But  Loch Morar, also in Scotland, may be the future hot spot to 

watch for lake monsters. Stay tuned.   

[Special Thanks to Adam Davies]

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1 comment » by Thomas Marcum
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1 comment:

  1. They can't exist..unlike thousands of bigfoot reports would conclude a breeding population is surviving, The same could not be said of lake monsters. There needs to be many of them to have a good genetic diversity in the breeding population. There can't be just one...or even 10..there has to be at least hundreds to work.


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