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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Recent photo of Bigfoot
Bigfoot in Oregon by Mark Hubbard
Researcher Mark Hubbard recently took this photo (above) of what appears to be a bigfoot. The picture was taken in Oregon and as you know Oregon is a hot bed for bigfoot sightings and trace evidence. Mark has the photo tagged with the date 7-4-2013, so it is very recent.
I messaged with Mark and he has allowed me to do some enhancement of the photo and post them here. So a big THANKS to Mark for letting me attempt to enhance the photo.

Here are my enhancement efforts.

enhancement of bigfoot photo
Mark Hubbard Photo - Enhanced by Thomas Marcum of The Crypto Crew

Recent photo of Bigfoot
Mark Hubbard Photo - Enhanced by Thomas Marcum of The Crypto Crew

Recent photo of Bigfoot
Mark Hubbard Photo - Enhanced by Thomas Marcum of The Crypto Crew

Recent photo of Bigfoot
Mark Hubbard Photo - Enhanced by Thomas Marcum of The Crypto Crew

Recent photo of Bigfoot
Mark Hubbard Photo - Enhanced by Thomas Marcum of The Crypto Crew

Recent photo of Bigfoot
Mark Hubbard Photo - Enhanced by Thomas Marcum of The Crypto Crew

Recent photo of Bigfoot
Mark Hubbard Photo - Enhanced by Thomas Marcum of The Crypto Crew

It sure looks like a bigfoot, what does everyone else think?

©Mark Hubbard & The Crypto Crew (Enhancements)


Here is the report sent to us by Mark on how he took the photo.

Name: Mark Q. Hubbard
State: Oregon
County: Clackamas
Date of Sighting: July 4 2013
Time of Day: 1:56 PM
Nearest Town: Molalla
Length of Sighting: I never noticed it at the time.
How many Witnesses: Just myself
Any Photos/Videos: Yes (see above)
Describe sighting in detail: There's not much to say. I was on my way up to my regular research areas and for some reason I decided to pull off in this spot and take a few pictures.
I have stopped here a few times but never really noticed anything unusual about it.
I stopped and took a few pics and drove away.
I didn't find the subject in this pic until Monday morning July 8th.
I was rather surprised to say the least !

-End Report

Thanks Again Mark!

I have talked to Mark and how gotten his permission to post the after photo of the same area. The angle is a little bit different. I also notice what appears to be a tree break on the left just above mid way up the photo.
Here is the after photo

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  1. If you have a copy of the photo straight out of the camera I can try enhancing with professional programs. Please let me know

    1. You would need to contact Mark Hubbard. I do not have it.

    2. How can I get in contact with him? I searched with no luck

    3. That worked! Thanks Thomas

  2. it looks pretty real to me. i think you should do a negative enhancment of the the 3rd. photo you already enhanced. i think you'll see a lot more of the face. also, i think that the bigfoot in this photo looks exactly like the close up of the male bigfoot that Todd Standing took. i know everyone thinks that Todd is a hoaxer, but i've spoke with Todd through emails and i think his stuff is legit.


    1. I see that too. It looks like a large female Sasquatch carrying an infant Sasquatch. Good find.

  4. yeah it could have a small one ...

  5. Looks like a root ball to me

  6. It doesn't look like any of the bigfoots I've seen around the Molalla area.

  7. I have routinely seen stumps from a distance look like faces and people. The fact he did not notice it until looking through the pictures he was taking further supports stump rather than bigfoot.


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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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