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Friday, May 17, 2013

Pennsylvania Bigfoot Shooting - Report & Audio

What follows is police report dispatch chatter and some emails regarding the case. I think this was really interesting and gives you some insight into how the police handled it or possibly covered it up. Give the Audio a listen and then read what investigators uncovered. 

Here is the Police Audio

The Police Audio
(Please notice the man claims to have proof of bigfoot and not a dead bigfoot, His "proof" was tracks)

(Nice work by PBS - click their link at the bottom of the post)
PBS: Summary Report on Alleged Pennsylvania Bigfoot Shooting Case 5-16-2013

Primary Investigators

Stan Gordon-- Independent Bigfoot and UFO Researcher
Ron Gallucci-- Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society member
Eric Altman-- Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society Director

Case Summary:

On May 14, 2013, at 2:41 pm,

The PA Bigfoot Society received its first email in regard to the case:

The email read "Today in Somerset County PA a turkey hunter shot and killed an animal he claimed is a Sasquatch. The state police were called and responded to the scene, according to chatter on the local police frequencies the officers confirmed there was an unidentified animal shot and killed. Details are a bit fuzzy at this time. Any investigative assistance would be appreciated."

May 14, 2013, at 3:20 pm.

The Pa Bigfoot Society received a second email. This one had a name and contact phone number attached. The email read "Hello, YES this is legit, a strange report came over the scanner here in Somerset, Pa. just a few miles from Flight 93memorial. The message went to the local Police department. The report stated that a hunter had shot a Sasquatch while hunting turkey this morning. This is the first day of Spring Turkey in Pennsylvania. Later a second confirmation message on the scanner stated that yes there was a body but was unable to identify who or what it was. This all started at about 10:30 AM and continued through most of the day. The location was stated as Russell or Rustic Road (too fast to be sure) here in the local area of Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Just wanted to let someone know."

Both emails were then forwarded off to PBS investigator Ron Gallucci because he is a nearby resident and closest to the area. The emails were also forwarded off to long-time UFO/Bigfoot researcher Stan Gordon.

Both Stan and Ron made contact with the author of the second email.

Stan reported he contacted the email author and amateur radio (ham) operator who had made contact with the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society concerning the police radio transmission. From him, Stan learned that the radio chatter in question had actually been heard by his friend who is another ham operator. Soon after, Stan talked with that man directly and learned some additional details.

The person who heard the transmission has a public safety scanner radio, better known as a police scanner, which is programmed to receive the Somerset County Public Safety radio transmissions that would include police, fire, and EMS. The radio transmission was broadcast over the scanner, and not over ham radio equipment. The man stated that he had heard a radio transmission come across a county police frequency.

The man stated he heard the Somerset County Dispatch Center contacting an area police department, but he was unsure as to what municipality it was. What he said he heard was that a hunter had called and stated that he had shot a Bigfoot. He soon heard some radio chatter from police who were reportedly joking about the report. It was about 20 minutes later that he said he heard a police officer radio back and state, "there was a body." He said the next radio transmission to the officer was, "call the center."

The witness also mentioned to Stan that soon after he heard the sound of what appeared to be a large helicopter near his house. The sound was so loud it shook his house, so he went outside to take a look. It was then that he observed a formation of four Army Apache helicopters approaching from the north and moving in the direction of Somerset. The man frequently sees such helicopters flying around that general area, but he thought the timing was interesting since the choppers were moving toward the direction of the location where the report of a Bigfoot had allegedly been shot just a short time before.

TCC - Nice Job by the Gang over at Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society!

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