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Saturday, March 2, 2013

It is being dubbed "Beast of Tenby" and the" Beast from the East" by the Westerntelegraph.
This odd carcass washed up Tenby's south beach and was photographed by 27 year old Peter Bailey who was walking his dog on the beach.

Bailey said:  "I was taking my dog for her evening walk across the south beach when she started acting out of character by howling and running round in circles.
 I ran up to her to see if she was ok and then I came across this hideous looking carcass. I could see it had little hair left on it's decomposing body. Immediately I thought it was a horse but it had claws like a bear and a body of a pig. Surprisingly it didn't smell."

So what is this mystery beast?


[Sources: Westerntelegraph,Paranormal Geeks Radio]

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Saturday, March 02, 2013 3 comments » by Thomas Marcum
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  1. It makes me think of a wild boar. Do they have wild boar in that area?

    1. But then I guess the feet are wrong for that.....


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