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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Close up from the tent video
I just wanted to give a little update about the whole Tent video/Dead bigfoot saga. There has been some new things that are being talked about and some things that Rick Dyer mentioned on his recent BTR radio show.

First I want to cover the youtube video where a man went to the possible site where Dyer killed the bigfoot. While there he interviewed a homeless man who confirmed that Dyer and a film crew was there for about a week. The young homeless man also confirms that he did hear gun shots but never seen any bigfoot body.

What was a little humorous was it appears that this was a video to expose a hoax but after talking to the homeless man it comes off as showing evidence it is all real. An insider had already told me the name of the young homeless man in the interview, which I did not post, but Dyer confirmed the young mans name as Jeff and that was also what I was told. I was also told more info about the area where this video was filmed but I have not posted it. I can report that according to my inside source that is not the actual kill site but it is fairly close. Here is the video with the interview.

Now on to some of the things that Dyer revealed during his recent radio show.
Dyer stated that there is already a 50 million dollar offer on the table for the bigfoot body. Dyer also stated that a famous and respected person from the bigfoot community has been contacted, he did not give a name but I assume this person is about them viewing the body. Dyer also confirmed, as we first reported, that Derek Randles is coming to view the dead bigfoot. It is not clear what the date for this viewing but we should assume it would be fairly soon.
During Dyer's show someone ask about the state of the body, if it was decomposing, and Dyer stated that the body was still in good shape and is being taken care of by some very smart people.
Also during Dyer's radio show he talked about Dr. Meldrum. Dyers stated that Dr. Meldrum has been contacted by some of his (Dyers) people. It was stated the Dr. Meldrum had a list of potential  conditions and that all the details are still being worked out.
There is a video in which some are claiming that Rick Dyer admits this is all a hoax but during the show Dyer said that the statement was taken out of context and was misconstrued.
Now what about the Film Shooting Bigfoot?
Dyer stated that he will be flying to London in a couple of weeks to view the film. This will be a kind of final view for those involved before the film is shown to the public is what I'm assuming.

So it would appear that the film is still on pace to be released in April, so at least it will not be that much longer to we will know the whole story. I think the video will be interesting regardless of how this all plays out.
Here is Rick Dyer's recent radio show 
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  1. Thank you, Tom, for being objective, not jumping to conclusions and not utilizing hearsay or logical fallacies to support a particular position.

  2. Have we forgotten 2008? I am sorry, but I think that Mr. Dyer lost all credibility with that stunt.

  3. The film release isn't scheduled for April 1st is it?

    1. no about the middle I think at the Tribeca film festival.

  4. After listening to this, I don't know how Dyer can reconcile Ketchum's unequivocal statement that Smeja's (by way of Randles) sample is the best one in the study. To this point, the study's science and documentation is under dispute by anybody other than some unqualified blogsquatchers who can't interpret the technical language. Ketchum also states that the entire sample was used and that the hairs she used bore no resemblence whatsoever to the sample in the phot circulated of the purported "steak". Why Smeja would submit an intentionally false sample to a secondary party is open to speculation, but the Ketchum sample's results have been independently verified, along with the others featured in the study. What Rick's doing, in a nutshell, is what he's so angry at Tazer et al for doing to him. Unfortunate.


  6. yeah the homelessman heard a gun shot....he also said there were no vehicles larger than the two suvs. Dont u think he would of heard or seen some of what was going on? PLEASE keep drinking the koolaid

  7. What a lie. I believe in this creature but I believe this Slick Dick is a liar! Stop giving him exposure.


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