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Monday, January 14, 2013

A Race Of Giants?
Missionary E. Walker’s Letter...About Bigfoot?
Goliath from the Bible
By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher
Professional Writer, a nature and wildlife enthusiast who has written for many magazines.


It’s always interesting to me to look at old accounts of ape-like creatures from North American history. And it’s especially interesting to see how the descriptions of the creatures parallel what researchers report about them today. The similarities are sometimes astounding.

Case in point, Reverend E. (Elkanah) Walker, missionary to the Spokane Indians in 1840. In his historic letter to Reverend David Green with the office of the Secretary of the American Board of Commissions for Foreign Missions, he explains some interesting stories he’s heard from these Indians. Early accounts of a strong smell, whistling, rocks being thrown at houses, and cases of kidnapping humans that resemble the Albert Ostman account. The following is the ending passage from that letter:

… "I suppose you will bear with me if I trouble you with a little of their superstition, which has recently come to my knowledge. They believe in the existence of a race of giants which inhabit a certain mountain off to the west of us. This mountain is covered with perpetual snow. They inhabit its top. They may be classed with Goldsmith’s nocturnal class and they cannot see in the daytime. They hunt and do all of their work in the night. They are men [s ]tealers. They come to the people’s lodges in the night when the people are asleep and take them, and put them under their skins and take them to their place of abode without even waking. When they wake in the morning they are wholly lost, not knowing in what direction their home is. The account that they give of these Giants will in some measure correspond with the Bible account of this race of beings. They say their track is about a foot and a half long. They will carry two or three beams upon their back at once. They frequently come in the night and steal their salmon from their nets and eat the’m raw. If the people are awake they always know when they are coming very near, by their strong smell, which is most intolerable. It is not uncommon for them to come in the night and give three whistles and then the stones will begin to hit their houses. The people believe that they are still troubled with their nocturnal visits."

We can only imagine what Reverend Green must have been thinking as he read this.

The letter was taken from the Holland Library of Washington University and the letter in its entirety can be seen here:  HERE

 [Special thanks to bigfoot lives for their amazing database of historic accounts of bigfoot.]


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  1. Very cool. Goes to show AGAIN, that historic sightings and experiences did not begin with white mens' hoaxes but the existence and legends of these creatures were here long before hoaxers like Dick Dyer and the like.

  2. I know I had my first sighting in the late afternoon early evening,seen prints in the daytime, but the rest of my Bigfoot encounters have been at night.


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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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