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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Coyote track 
 A few days ago we were contacted by Tracy about a strange scream her son-in-law recorded one evening in New Hampshire. You can view the original post with the audio clip by Clicking Here.

Our very own Jason Morse got in contact with Tracy and her son-in-law Chris and set up a day to go out to the area and look for evidence.

Jason: "Didn't see any bigfoot tracks or anything, but there's so much land out there, we didn't even scratch the surface. Plenty of game, deer, coyote turkey, porcupine, and beaver tracks and evidence all over. Best part was the power lines right behind his house, and a small river, so it was a perfect place."

Chris and his wife said this was the first time they had heard anything but went on to say, "A while back, we came home late one night, and as we walked from the car to the house, we had "something huge" run across the yard and crash through the trees."

It is worth noting that Chris has a possible military background and is very knowledgeable and his wife is a nurse, so very respectable people.
Chris plans on setting up some game cams and doing some research himself. We will continue to work with Chris and investigate the report.

Jason said: "I think it was genuine" referring to the report.

[Special Thanks:Jason Morse for his work and investigation on this case, Erin Morse for her help]
[Photos by Jason Morse]


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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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