Love him or Hate him, Rick Dyer and the Tent video caused a stir among the bigfoot community.
Now it seem the video will be released by a British film company called Minnow films.
Minnow Films has been filming with Dyer and many other Bigfoot groups all over the world for the past 4 Years. The film group was reportedly with Dyer on September 6, 2012 in San Antonio, TX when the now famous Tent video was shot.
The working title of the upcoming release is "Of Men and Monsters".
I went to the Minnow Films website, Found Here , and indeed the title is in production.
The tag line is "A fascinating and touching portrait of men who are obsessed with monsters and their adventures to find them"
Just who is Minnow Films?
His is what their website says about them:
"Minnow Films is an award-winning independent production company, renowned for its sensitive and intelligent portrayal of powerful human stories. Founded in 2006 by filmmaker Morgan Matthews, Minnow quickly established a reputation for bringing a fresh take to challenging and moving stories, such as the BAFTA and RTS winning The Fallen, a film described by the BBC as their most ambitious single documentary film to date."
More can be found about them from the links above."
After I watched the black and white version of the Tent video I was sure it was some type of suit and we were being played but after the HD color version came out and I watched it , I was not so sure anymore.
So I for one would like to see the entire video and the story surrounding it. It could be a very important piece of evidence or at least let me make a better judgment of the film.
[Sources: Minnow Films , Bigfootevidence101]
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