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Monday, October 22, 2012

Figure in the sky in KY
The above photo was reportedly take by a game cam that for some reason was pointing up in the sky.
There appears to be a hooded figure on the left side of the photo. I've contacted the person who posted this in a effort to find out more details.
The photo was reportedly take in Prestionsburgh, Kentucky.

Here is a couple of photo enhancement I did

Cut out of figure and slight color adjustment

Zoom in on the head of the figure

I don't know what this is but it does appear to have a human type shape.
I will update this story with any need to know info .

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Monday, October 22, 2012 8 comments » by Thomas Marcum
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  1. I distinctly see a woman, in profile, wearing a light colored top, darker pants, and boots. She has long dark hair, pushed behind her left ear, that is hanging down over the front of her shoulder.

    I'm having a hard time seeing what you're seeing as the head. It appears you've blown up part of (what I see as) the woman's shoulder in the close up of the head of the figure. Look above and to the left of that area to see what I think is her face.

  2. meg you got it spot on,its just a woman walking past the camera,feet firmly on the ground,with her head quite faded but still easily recognisable.nothing doing here

    1. I can see the face in the upper left but the report is that this is taken of the sky. ..I Wonder if it was some kind of reflection . It kind of looks like grass and a dirt road as well.

  3. dont think its a photo of the sky at all,its clearly a woman crossing the field of view and there are trees in background and it appears to be raining heavily causing the foggy image

  4. Looks a like a dark long haired woman walkn by with a purse in left hand?!! Hmm

  5. OMG its bigfoot!!!!
    channelling matt moneymaker there.

  6. It's Matt Moneymaker's mother Phat Moneycharger working the trails trying to get some Bigfoot "DNA"

  7. That looks creepy. Could it be that the end of the world is near. Scary!


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