Instincts Of A Sasquatch
Can We Learn About Ourselves From The Hairy Ones?
By TCC Team Member
Dorraine Fisher
so impressed by the survival and hiding skills of sasquatches. And we often act
so surprised that they manage to pull the wool over our eyes nearly every time.
But should we be?
looking at a some pictures of sasquatches, we can often see human-like eyes
looking back. Many individuals who’ve seen them face to face describe a certain
level of knowing and intelligence in those eyes that can’t be clearly defined.
Maybe we see ourselves in them; maybe it strikes a human chord inside of
us. But for these amazing creatures
who’ve managed to elude us for thousands of years, maybe it’s really a lot
simpler than that. Maybe they’ve
ingeniously yet naturally honed a skill that we’ve lost. And if they are indeed
one of our closest living relatives, what can they teach us about what we all
might be capable of?
instincts are not something we think about in our day to day life. Mostly we
just go about our days reacting to what happens around us thinking we’re just
hapless victims of whatever the world wants to throw our way. But our animal
friends including the hairy ones have a different take on things and maybe
that’s what makes them a bit smarter than us on some levels.
researchers and enthusiasts are almost always nature lovers. If you’ve ever
seen the creature, it’s possibly because you spend a fair amount of time
outdoors. And chances are, like me, you’ve seen many animals and you have a
better understanding of their ways.
I walk into the woods and lose sight of buildings and the sounds of traffic and
“civilization,” something kicks in inside me. There are things out there that
might jump out and scare me at any moment. There are predators out there big
enough to kill and eat me... and yet I keep walking. But as I do, I can feel
myself tuning in to my surroundings. My hearing seems to become better, my eyes
seem to notice colors and shapes better, and I feel suddenly more awake. And
essentially more alive. I think that’s why I love it so much.
was told many years ago that in order to fine tune my instincts I needed to use
them every day. Use them and trust them and really listen to what that sixth
sense is telling me. We’re all animals after all. We’re essentially still
supposed to be out there every day living in the wild living like the rest of
them. But somehow we became the one creature intelligent enough to defy our
innate birthright and assume to “conquer” nature.
humans are the only animals intelligent enough to ignore their instincts and
sometimes get themselves in trouble...or even dead. Maybe we’ve really conquered nothing accept
our natural selves the way we were meant to be.
this is why bigfoot seems to have such a psychological edge over us and manages
to stay hidden so well. Maybe he’s just being himself, using the gifts of
survival he’s been given. Maybe we’re
capable of so much more in this respect. But we’re too busy being what we
define as human, and losing the skill of our instincts that we were meant to
use. ********DF
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Very well said. I so enjoy your articles!