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Saturday, February 4, 2012

A blaze of light shooting across the Texas sky got people talking, spurring the Federal Aviation Administration to examine stunning police footage.

The bluish-green streak seen as far north as Oklahoma City and as far south as Houston was "most likely" a meteor or piece of space junk, officials say, according to the Austin-American Statesman.

FAA officials hunkered down with dashboard camera footage provided by Little River-Academy Police Chief Troy Hess, who observed the Wednesday night light show at Bell County town.

"It kept getting bigger, and the color kept changing," Hess told the paper.
Nearby residents in the small Texas town thought this bizarre flying object might be a distressed aircraft crashing or the sort of UFO visitation celebrated in Steven Spielberg movies, ITN reports.

The UFO talk crops up whenever these strange light shows occur. In September, a greenish streek spotted across several West Coast states opened the door to a lot of conjecture. That's expected, Edwin Krupp, director of the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, told The Huffington Post.

"Certainly, it's correct to say that most people are not used to looking at the sky, not used to evaluating either brightness, distance or angular size in the sky, and therefore, have a very good chance of misidentifying objects or effects in the sky," said Krupp. "There are all kinds of explanations for UFOs, and the least likely is that they're spacecraft from another world."
[Via Huffington Post ]

TCC - Seems to be moving rather slow for a meteor or space junk to me,but with lights in the sky it is hard to say for sure.

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Saturday, February 04, 2012 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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