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Friday, January 27, 2012

Uploaded by on Jan 26, 2012
"VICTORIA -- In the last 48 hours a number of people in Sooke have reported feeling powerful tremors that some believe are an earthquake.

"I heard what sounded like a freight train coming, that rumble, and it was very brief. My bed actually shifted," one Sooke homeowner told CTV News.

Seismologists say there are no indications of an earthquake in the Sooke area and all calling the recent reports a mystery.

On Wednesday several employees downtown felt similar shaking but believed it was a result of blasting at a downtown construction site.

Alison Bird with the Pacific Geo Science Centre says, "It would have to be an extremely large explosion for people in Sooke to feel the Victoria blast".

The District of Sooke, the Sooke Fire Department, and the RCMP were all contacted but were unable to shed any light on the rumblings. The Department of National Defense also denied have any part in the tremors.

South of the border the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station says they didn't have any aircrafts operating Tuesday because of high winds."

TCC -  So the mystery continues. There has got to be something going on...it keeps happening and all over. Please read our other recent post about these odd sounds.

Related post - Strange Sounds Heard Worldwide 
Thanks to Beer-Man (aka - Paul) for alerting us to this recent youtube post and story.

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Friday, January 27, 2012 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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