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Friday, December 2, 2011

TCH - This was just too Funny not to post....maybe one of the hoaxer got it on film and will post it on youtube.

This is what happens when a gorilla goes ape in a pizzeria.
Someone wearing a gorilla suit has repeatedly burst into a Little Caesars restaurants in Michigan and dumped sand on the floor, The Macomb Daily reports.
The most recent incident occurred at around 11 p.m. on Nov. 25 when the ape -- who is described as standing between 5 feet 8 inches and 5 feet 10 inches -- emptied the bag of sand on the floor of an eatery in Southgate, authorities told the paper.
Once outside, the primate hopped into a dark blue Chevy Cobalt driven by an accomplice and made his getaway.
That eatery has been targeted multiple times by the gorilla, while another Little Caesars in nearby Lincoln Park has also played host to similar monkey business, according to The Macomb Daily.
Investigators believe that in the most recent incident, the sand had been stolen from a local hardware store.
An employee at the Little Caesar's declined to comment on the incident when reached by The Huffington Post.
People in gorilla suits aren't always the perpetrators of crime -- sometimes they are the victims.
Earlier this year, a man in a gorilla suit was attacked by someone in a banana suit in Ohio.

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Friday, December 02, 2011 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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