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Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Crypto Hunters was sent the following 2 pictures, we have zoomed in and highlighted some of the more interesting parts.
Theses pictures were sent to us by Waylen Frederick, These pictures were captured on his farm land in Parish,La.
Here is what he had to say about the photos:
"..this pic is in heavy fog taken with 6 mp infrared trail cam, i adjusted brightness low and contrast high to try and get a look at this deer, but after enhancements the eyeshine seems to have pupils. i have hundreds of deer eyeshines with ir cameras and cannot duplicate these pupils." He also said he thinks "..it could be a Mountain Lion" and wanted us to take a look.
Please do not use these pictures without The Crypto Hunters permissions.

(You can see 3 deer in this photo and a very big set of eyes watching them)

(Close up of the eyes)

(This is kind of far away and behind some brush,but it is there.)

(Zoomed in and highlighted)

*Please do not use these photos without our permission.

TCH- After reviewing and using various software on the above pictures, it could very well be a mountain lion ,but we are thinking it is a Rare Black Bobcat...either way it is a nice set of photos.
Thanks to Waylen Frederick for sharing his photos and story with us,we look forward to an update and more photos soon.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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