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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rant: Why Are There No Clear Videos or Photos of Bigfoot?

RANT the first.

Did a lot of soul-searching before writing this post. It is one of the most difficult I have done. But I can stay silent no longer. So here it is - My Rant.

A common cry: "Why are there no clear videos or photos of bigfoot?"

Yeah, I get that. We are all tired of the Shadowsquatch, the Blobsquatch, the Stumpsquatch, the Brushsquatch, the Groupsquatch. Somedays it can just make us scream with frustration. We enlarge, we enhance, we manipulate and we squint in despair at many of these photos and videos before shaking our heads and moving on.
So why no clear shots?
I tell you there are.
Where? you ask?
Mostly not where you're looking.

They're not being shown on TV, talked about on radio shows, printed in newspapers and magazines, posted on the internet, shared on Facebook, or praised in bigfoot/sasquatch/cryptid groups.

Why not? you ask?
Let me tell you why not.

Just as the blotchy, shadowy, blurry, fuzzy photos are picked apart and ridiculed, so are the good shots.
Just as they dismiss the bad photos as hoaxes, the clear shots are labeled with the same tags.

They decry the bad pictures and call them bad hoaxes. And then give the clear shots the same name.
I'm not saying we should not be skeptical. Heck, Skeptic is my middle name.

"I want to believe your story, but you must give me enough to believe in."

Yeah, I said that. I still say it. Cause I still live by it. I could give you a list of people who have experienced me looking at their evidence and hearing their stories. But, being a person of her word, I promised not to reveal them to anyone else. So, no list. No validation that I do not endorse what I do not see. Sorry.

If I don't see what you're claiming, I ain't gonna blow smoke up .................. well, you know where.

A very good friend spent over 6 months showing me his 4+ years worth of evidence he had gathered. I poked and pried, I questioned, I studied it all. I asked for everything but his underwear size. And in the end, I was shown more than enough to realize that he has the "real deal".
And he finally decided to share this with the "community". And with his permission, so did I.

There are many who are in awe, loving to see this evidence, asking intelligent questions. Rejoicing in the discoveries made by a fellow researcher. And to all of you, I say, "Thank you."

There are some skeptics. And there is no problem with that. Patience and follow-up to answer all their questions to clarify matters are ongoing. And to all of them, I also offer a "Thank you".

Then there are the rude bodies. Insults, name-calling, blatant disrespect. Calling us out on our skills, accusations of not being real researchers, labeling it all a hoax.

A hoax.

Don't misunderstand me. We are all entitled to our opinions. But there is a right way and there is a wrong way to go about it. You can simply state that you do not see the evidence that is being presented. You can say that in your opinion, you do not believe the photo represents the claims. Or you can stay silent and move along. Or you can be the spoiled little researchers that are popping up.

I find some members of this community to be petty, jealous tyrants. If the discovery is not theirs, then it can only be a hoax. It must be fake.

Let me explain something to you. That is not being a skeptic. It's being a green-eyed, jealous, ego-driven, petty, little person.


And you wonder why our field of research will not be taken seriously. You wonder why discoveries are not being shared publicly. You wonder why researchers hug their work so close to themselves, trusting no one, telling no one, taking their secrets to their graves.

Oh yes, those who share their lousy photography, their hopeful shots of brush piles and shadowed woods, claiming bigfoot are there can damage our credibility. And so do those who intentionally create false stories, create hoaxes, and fake their research and evidence.

But the petty, little, ego-driven, green-eyed Sasquatch Tyrants need to take their share of the blame.



"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."
"Those that know, need no further proof. Those that don't, should not demand it from others, but seek it for themselves."

This Post is By TCC Team Member Nancy Marietta. Nancy has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal and cryptids. Nancy is also a published author and her book, The Price of War has been met with great reviews.

[Please Note: Sadly Nancy passed away on the first of January, 2022. We will continue to honor her and her research by sharing her work. RIP Nancy. -Thomas]

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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