Bigfoot Research Area | 6-11-24
The wife and I finally had a chance to go hiking in one of my Bigfoot research areas. I have only been in this particular area 2 or 3 times this year. One of the times was a very cold winter hike I took back near the end of January. So, I was excited to get back into the area.
We found several interesting things and made a short video of our adventure.
Here is the video.
It was a fun but short adventure.
As for the tree break, it is very hard to say if it was done by Bigfoot as I just really don't know. There were no other trees nearby that had any damage. I do know I have found breaks in this area with large foottracks under them or very close by. So, I wanted to share it and document it, just in case.
©2024 Thomas Marcum |
The potted meat can is an interesting one for sure. This is the area where I normally leave our gifts and food. I have been doing it for a few years now and I have had some mixed results. I've had things happen that I think were done by bigfoot and I had things happen that I know were done by known animals like bears or squirrels.
What is interesting about the potted meat can is that it appears to have been opened the way a person would open it. On the very bottom of the can was a very small tooth mark that was probably made by a chipmunk or similar animal. Normally, when I leave something out like a can of potted meat I do not open it. The goal is to see if something would open it like you or I would or if some animal would just bite the can and open it. Maybe I got my answer.
I hope to continue to explore this area and others. I plan on continuing my investigation into the bigfoot phenomenon and other cryptids. I've been at this for almost 30 years and I still find it very interesting.
I hope you enjoyed the post and video. Have a great day!
This post is by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as TCC Research. Over 25 years of experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter, a published photographer, and a poet.

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