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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Was it just a Prank?

In the 1970s there was some recorded bigfoot activity in the Beausejour area to the Ontario border northeast of Winnipeg.

A Lac du Bonnet man claimed that in July 1974 he had an encounter with "an overgrown ape or monkey". It was reported to be covered with dark hair or fur and about 6ft 6in tall.
Then there was the young person who had a huge, hairy thing beating on the trunk of his car as he made a quick u-turn in the road around 4 am in June the next year.

And in December of 1975 his cousin (who knew nothing of his relative's experience), saw a 7 or 8 ft tall creature approaching his stopped car on the road near Lac du Bonnet. He managed to leave in a hurry. The next day he went back and found 15-inch footprints in the snow. He and some friends followed the trail for more than 7 miles. The prints featured five toes and looked similar to a human's print. His comments on the whole thing:

"It could be a prank alright, but where do you find someone around Beausejour between seven and eight feet tall who walks around barefoot in the wintertime?"


"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."
"Those that know, need no further proof. Those that don't, should not demand it from others, but seek it for themselves."

This Post By TCC Team Member Nancy Marietta. Nancy has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal and cryptids. Nancy is also a published author and her book, The Price of War has been met with great reviews.

[Please Note: Sadly Nancy passed away on the first of January, 2022. We will continue to honor her and her research by sharing her work. RIP Nancy. -Thomas]

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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