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Monday, November 27, 2023

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Report on Bigfoot

This report came to John Green from the RCMP in Vancouver. It had been telexed from their Norway House. The report read as follows:

"Norway House to Vancouver Lower Mainland Division, attention Sergeant Doane.

"It was reported to our office on the 26 July 76 by the chief of the Poplar River Indian Band that many of his people have sighted on the Reserve many times a large hairy animal that walks on two legs. Poplar River is located approx. 76 miles to the south of Norway House. An investigation was conducted and the results are as follows:
"Several people were interviewed and they all stated that the animal was approximately seven to eight feet tall and was very broad at the shoulders. It had the general body structure of a man only many times larger. A foot cast was taken of the foot impression that was left behind by the so-called monster and is held at this detachment. It measures 16 inches by five inches and has only three toes. Its fur is a glossy gray color and it has white hair on its head. They stated that it was very powerfully built and one man reported that he saw it swimming. To date, there have been no further reports of sightings in our area. It should be noted that this so-called monster seemed very inquisitive towards the people and would come around the houses on the settlement and look in doors and windows."

"This is about all we have so perhaps you could pass this on. Thanks in advance."
"Downing, Norway House Detachment"

Wanting to investigate further, Green turned this report over to Brian McAnulty. The Poplar River area was not an easy place to get to at the time. Green heard nothing more about the report.

In late October 1974 a witness in Mackenzie, BC made a report with the RCMP. While hunting, he came upon what he took to be a large black stump leaning against the trunk of a large pine. The tree was about 500 to 600 feet away and, curious, he began to approach. Suddenly the stump revealed itself to be a tall black-haired creature on two legs. It moved to hide behind the tree. Now startled, the witness fired a shot over the head of the creature as it ran. It made its way quickly down a very steep hill.

Two years later, the epidemic of reports were made to the RCMP from the Poplar River area. After interviewing the witnesses, they filed the above-quoted statement in 1976.

Strange that McAnulty never got back in touch with Green. Perhaps no one would talk to him.

Christmas 2008 found reports coming in from Cache Creek, BC.

One person told this story he heard from his father. His father was driving behind a pickup truck when the truck hit an animal. Both drivers stopped and got out of their vehicles. There in the road was a big, hairy animal. The report goes on to claim the two men then loaded the still-moving creature into the back of the pickup. They said they took it to the RCMP in Cache Creek. And then the story becomes even more fuzzy. Rumor said the creature was kept on ice in the back areas of the RCMP Detachment.

Ashcroft RCMP Sgt. Dave Prentice said he had seen many sasquatches "although none of them have been real". He added that the only refrigeration they had was in the lunchroom and although they occasionally kept blood samples in there, they have never had a sasquatch.

Mounties near Pinawa, Manitoba, were said to have caught a sasquatch in 2007. However, the creature was revealed to be an 18-year-old Winnipeg man with a hairy gorilla mask. He was not charged.

In 1977 a reserve officer from the Vancouver police was driving a Greyhound bus. Pat Lindquist was going down a road near Lake Erroch, BC when he caught sight of what looked like a sasquatch crossing the road. He stopped the bus and gave chase on foot. He lost the creature when it disappeared into the brush, leaving only large footprints on the roadside.

Rene Dahinden was called in to check out the encounter independently from the RCMP investigation. When he examined the tracks, he decided they were genuine. Lindquist had seen a sasquatch. The RCMP then produced 4 young men from Vancouver who confessed that they had hoaxed the entire thing. No charges were made and the young men went free. Dahinden determined he would not be fooled again.

In 2012, Cpl. Annie Linteau, Communication Officer for E Division (Vancouver) stated RCMP protocol:

"I can confirm that an investigation file is generated as a result of any incident reported to the police. The file is then assigned to a member for investigation. Based on the circumstances of the incident and if the incident appears to be related to an animal, police will advise their local conservation office for follow-up."

The protocol if someone shoots a suspected bigfoot:

"I am really not in a position to comment as to what sanctions someone may receive as a result of a shooting incident. All I can say is that it is the responsibility of the police to investigate any shootings. All investigative findings would then be sent to the Prosecution Services for their assessment as to whether or not charges are appropriate."

Manitoba released the following statement:

"The RCMP in Manitoba do not track reports of Bigfoot sightings per se (sic), so I cannot provide a number for the province.
"I can tell you that the RCMP takes all calls seriously. In any complaint of a wild animal or unknown creature sighting, the safety of the public would be our first priority. The investigation would more likely be turned over to Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship to follow up." (Cpl. Miles Hiebert, D Division)

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"I'll spark the thought; what you do with it is up to you."
"Those that know, need no further proof. Those that don't, should not demand it from others, but seek it for themselves."

This Post By TCC Team Member Nancy Marietta. Nancy has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal and cryptids. Nancy is also a published author and her book, The Price of War has been met with great reviews.

[Please Note: Sadly Nancy passed away on the first of January, 2022. We will continue to honor her and her research by sharing her work. RIP Nancy. -Thomas]

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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