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Saturday, December 3, 2022

©2022 The Crypto Crew

Real Alien Disclosure

Is it time for full and real alien disclosure? Most would say it is past time. We know that over the past year or so, the government has trickled out a few videos and admitted they were UAPs. But we all know they know much more than they are telling us.

What follows is an email I got from John Mooner and some of his efforts to get full disclosure. If you remember, we have featured some of his research on our website in the past. Here is the email.

- JM email - 

It’s Time For Real Alien Disclosure,

I have left a comment on President Joe Biden’s medium account asking President Joe Biden to disclose the alien presence. I wrote “Mr. President, I implore you to bring an end to the alien cover-up immediately. U.S. warships are encountering these crafts on a regular basis. U.A.Ps are real and so are the Alien occupants that pilot them. The time for Alien Disclosure has finally come Mr. President. Please help make this disclosure happen. We are definitely not alone in the universe.” Unfortunately, he has not responded to me yet, so I left a comment on Kamala Harris’s account as well, I wrote “Kamala Harris, please tell Joe to bring an end to the alien cover-up. I implore you to do this immediately. U.S. warships are encountering these crafts on a regular basis. UFOs are real and so are the Alien occupants that pilot them. The time for Alien Disclosure has finally come. Please help make disclosure happen. Thank you.” I also asked former president Barack Obama to help with disclosure. I wrote “Mr. Barack Obama, I implore you to bring an end to the alien cover-up immediately. You have come forward and admitted that U.S. warships are encountering these crafts on a regular basis and that UFOs are real, which they indeed are. I truly admire you for this admission of truth, but the time for full disclosure has now finally come. Please help make this disclosure happen. We are definitely not alone in the universe.” Hopefully, they will respond soon because I, along with many other people want the truth out. It would be better if we could all just get along in this world and have true disclosure. We should be free in an open democratic society to ask our world leaders for the truth. The time for real Alien Disclosure has come, I will keep everybody informed if I receive a response and I will post it here. Thank you for reading.

You can see the Comments I made here live.
President Joe Biden


Mr. Barack Obama

Kamala Harris


Medium is now threatening to suspend my account….

We ask that you not use the responses strictly to drive traffic or attention to posts or websites, or copy and paste a single response to multiple posts or responses. Please delete the duplicate content in your responses in order to remain compliant with our rules. Let us know that you have brought your account into compliance with our rules in the next 12 hours by replying to this email, or we will have to suspend it until this can be done.
This is unacceptable I have the right to freedom of speech censorship is repugnant. Aliens are real.

- End JM Email - 

There was also a file filled with photos and screenshots that accompanied the email. We thank John for the email and submission. 

In the past, we have featured a few posts from John, here are a few.

Is this a Real Alien - Click Here

Portal opens in the Sky - Click Here

John does seem to capture some weird things. 

I think at some point, the government will release more information but with governments, you always have to be aware that they also release bad information. This is done to make you look in a different direction or think something different. But I would assume the governments know a lot more than they are telling us. 

I personally have seen several UFOs over the years. Things that I feel were not some human-built advanced machines. It would be great to know exactly where these things come from.



This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years of experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter, a published photographer, and a poet.

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