Exploring The Woods For Bigfoot
Today I took a much needed break and headed for the mountains. The weather was calling for rain later in the day, so I got a fairly early start. I wanted to check out one of my areas for any possible signs of Bigfoot activity. I will keep this post rather short and share a few pictures.
The area I went to is a place where I have had some success over the years. I've been doing bigfoot and paranormal research for close to 30 years now. I've had a lot of interesting bigfoot stuff happen in this particular area, just not so much lately.
While in the area I scouted around for any stick formations, tracks or anything else that might seem unusual.
I did find this "X" formation. I think it is one I documented recently but I'm not 100 percent sure. This formation was in a place where I had found several structures over the years. While this was just and "X" some of the ones I found in the past were much more elaborate. This formation was not that large. I'd guess that where the sticks cross was about 5 foot off the ground. I have found similar "X" style formation in this general area.
I continued to poke around and covered some ground.
I did manage to find this old track. It was roughly about 14-16 inches in length and around 7-8 inches wide near the ball of the foot. There was not much detail in the print but you could faintly see the big toe. I found a couple more impression but they had no detail at all. This one was the best that I found today. It was in a more damp area. I was somewhat disappointed that I didn't find some better tracks. There are a few areas where there is mud and water but in some areas the weeds have grew up and I just didn't find much.
I didn't hear any unusual sounds today. Just some birds and a couple of squirrels getting feisty. All in all I enjoyed my few hours out in the mountains. I sure wish I could have found more evidence or had something really cool happen, but it didn't.
The area has several small streams and muddy spots and over the years I have had good luck in this area. But today there was just not a lot going on. That is the thing about bigfooting and the paranormal..you can't just turn it on and off like a light switch. Who knows, the next time I go in there it make be active, you just never know.
One of the small streams in the area. |
Anyways, it felt good to be out in nature and I just wanted to share a little about my day. I hope I can get back out there soon but seems like life has got in my way many times this year.
Have a great day.
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