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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Still Frame from the video

UFO Seen Near Rose Hill Virginia

We recently got in a new UFO sighting report from the Rose Hill, VA area. Rose Hill is a community located in Lee County, VA. The Rose Hill community is home to the Ely Mound. Ely Mound is a historic burial mound that is considered the best-preserved Mississippian culture site in Virginia. The mound dates to the Late Woodland-Mississippian Period (AD 1200-1650), during which more complex societies and practices evolved, including chiefdoms and religious ceremonies.

There have long been rumors of a secret, hidden military base in this area, and over the years there have been many UFO reports.

What follows is the most recent report, sent in via email, along with a short video.

 -Start Report-

"Hi Tom,

It's been quite since December has started around the place, but I do have an interesting story and just a second of two clip of the event.  My youngest son and his girlfriend were headed to her house in Rose Hill VA and they told me an interesting event that happened to them on Saturday December 4th.  They were driving back to her house where she lives with her mom and noticed a light on the mountain range that runs parallel to HWY 58 in Lee county.  It was up on the mountain above it and both said they could tell it was moving but not fast initially and it happened around 8:56pm time frame. To quote her "It was a large object hovering above the mountains beaming a light into the sky as it was spinning and tilting. This video is just it spinning."  They said they got to her house and watched it for about 10 minutes total from seeing it driving to her house.  As they got to her house they said it compressed into a small light and shot straight up into the sky.  I will attach the blip of video they managed to get and it looks like it was spinning in the blurb. 

She said about a month ago she was awakened around 1:00am to what sounded like a jet engine from an airplane above her house.  I asked her if it was a plane or the sound of helicopter blades and she said no a jet engine which puzzled her because they usually are low, then get loud as they are over your position and then fade as they pass, this did not do that.  When she looked out her bedroom window she said the yard, front and back were lite up with a bright light.  She went to awaken her mom and before she could get her awake it just suddenly stopped.  She said that on more than one occasion she and her family have seen lights on the mountain or above it.  Being in Rose Hill this is past the White Rocks and there shouldn't be anything up there especially at night, she knows of no roads or way to get up there other than a rough hike.

Attached is the very brief video they captured.


-End Report-

[Here is the video, enhanced and looped]

A big thanks to JM for sending in the video and report.

I'm fairly familiar with the Rose Hill area and it is very much like my little corner of SE Kentucky. I have been to Rose Hill many times as it is not very far from me. 

If anyone else saw these lights or has had another sighting or bigfoot encounter, then please let us know.


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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Thursday, December 09, 2021 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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