Possible UFO Sighting in Harlan County
A few days ago a friend contacted me via Facebook and wanted to report what he and his wife saw in the sky over Harlan County. Over the years there has been numerous reports of unknown objects in this general area.
What follows is this detailed description, along with a follow up question.
-Start Report-
"So I believe I may have saw a UFO coming back from VA, right after you pass the Cawood cut off.
So, it was night so it was mostly a light at first (in the sky) we believed it to be a star until it crossed the road and it seem to stay a head of us. It couldn't had been a plane unless the pilot was just horribly bored because it changed direction and it had 3 different lights that would change. They flickered.. 1 red the other blue and I believe it was green when we caught up to where it was dashing back and forth. At that point it shot towards Harlan and then veered out of sight. Wish I could be more helpful on that. When I use to work as a guard, I would often see lights similar to this around that area, figured this may be a common occurrence at least there.
Side note blue and green often resemble the same color to me, like a strange color blindness but my wife believed it was a green and red light."
TM: About how long did you see it?
RF: "We saw it towards the beginning of the month (Nov.) and as far as how long we saw it. it was probably at least 5 mins or more. We also wants to remain anonymous."
-End Report-
Thanks to RF and his wife for contacting me and giving me their sighting report. I have their contact information on file and we respect their right to remain anonymous. These are folks I know personally and they are good people.
Next, if anyone else seen this unknown object in the sky, then please let us know. I know I have seen some odd craft in the sky over Harlan and Bell county. I have also heard many sightings from witnesses, off the record, about strange and sometimes, large craft being seen in this area. So, if you have seen something make sure to contact us.
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