Original Image by Peter Lomas |
Today I had just a little free time and wanted to search the internet for any interesting UFO reports. I stumbled across a new report from Rhode Island on the MUFON website and wanted to share it. There is an accompanying video with some enhancements. A white object is seen briefly and it appears to be moving at a high rate of speed. The witness was filming a horse and captured the object on camera on 6/13/21.
Here are the witness statement and video
Here is what the witness said.
"In the middle of filming my filly, i happen to notice there was a hawk or an eagle not sure which one exactly (I enjoy nature and film or take pictures all the time of it , I panned the camera upward loosing my grip momentarily, regaining and captured the bird back in the camera. Not only did I capture the bird but I have seemed to captured a silver /white UFO coming in from the clouds on the left across , up behind the bird , dip down a bit , then go up and exit to the right of the camera lens. I have the film of my filly then I also have the zoomed in film of the UFO that I did so that I could try to see it clearly, maybe you guys could please help me debunk if this is really a UFO ?? Thanks!"
I took just a small part of the original clip and attempted to enhance it.
I'm not sure what the object is or isn't but it doesn't appear to be a winged aircraft. It also seems to be moving rather quickly.
A big thanks to MUFON for all their efforts and a big thanks to the witness for sharing and submitting the report.
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