I got this report several days ago. This came from Belgium and was taken back in 2018. There are actually two pictures taken on different days. One picture might be dismissed as some type of lens flare but the other one appears to have a disc-shaped object in it.
Here is the report, followed by a short video with some enhancements of the object.
-Start Report-
Name: Emiel
Email Address: On file
State: Belgium
County: West-Vlaanderen
Date of Sighting: Summer 2018
Time of Day: Around midday
Nearest Town: Tielt
Length of Sighting: Not seen with the naked eye, but seen afterward on photo
How many Witnesses: 3
Any Photos/Videos: 2 different photos
Describe sighting in detail:
I got 2 photos of the sky, taken on different days, with a Nikon d3300. Both photos show the sun. On the photo with the clear sky, at first, it looks like a reflection but after zooming in it looks like a triangular lightship, in my eyes, I've had a lot of different opinions. The second photo, shows, after zooming in, an obvious black disc. Both pictures are taken in broad daylight, but it appears darker because the shutter speed was 1/4000 on both photos.
TM: I replied asking for the pictures. They were sent quickly by Emiel.
Follow after sending pictures:
Hey Tom, I got one original size, you can obviously see what looks like a reflection next to the sun, but after zooming in I find it really hard to categorize it as just a reflection, the second one (disc) I sent you in original size and one zoomed in.
Any thoughts?
-End Report-
I ran various enhancements on the picture and made it into a short video. Check it out and let us know what you think the object might be.
Thanks go to Emiel for sending in the pictures and report. I'm not sure what the object is but it does appear disc-shaped. If anyone else has captured a similar image, please let us know.

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