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Sunday, February 14, 2021


Possible Bigfoot Throws Rock At Car

I got in a report a few days ago that falls into that maybe category. While we can't say for sure what it was throwing rocks, we sure can't rule out it being a Bigfoot. The remoteness, and time of the event makes it seem very unlikely that it was a person. If it was not a person, then just what was it? What would have the ability to throw a rock? The is a rather interesting report, give it a read and see what you think.

Here is the report

-Start Report-

Name: Phil ******

Email Address: On file

State: California

County: Inyo

Date of Sighting: March 17/18th  2014

Time of Day: late night

Nearest Town: Bishop CA

Length of Sighting: Did not see it

How many Witnesses: none, other than me

Any Photos/Videos: Just my car parked on White Mountain Road Inyo Cty. (Provided, top photo)

Describe sighting in detail:
I have recently become aware that Sasquatch/Yowies are known to throw stones the size and frequency of such reflecting their apparent agitation.
I drove my 1996 Corvette up White Mountain Road late on the afternoon of March 17th 2014 until I reached a locked gate about one mile from the Ancient Bristlecone Visitors Centre.
I left the car on the turnout near the gate and walked up to the Visitor's centre. The weather was very clear. There was no one to be seen . There was  a lot of snow on the ground around the visitor's center which was all locked up.
I walked around taking photo's of the buildings and Bristlecone Pines until well after sundown and then walked back down White Mountain Road to my car.

I arrived back at my car about 9.00pm and I was enjoying the solitude so much I decided to spend the night in the car.
I could see the lights of Bishop thousands of feet below me from the driver's side windows as I sat reclined behind the steering wheel. I was sure I was alone up there on the turn-out right in front of the locked gate.
I often sleep in my car in the forest and I always keep an eye out for other vehicles and there didn't seem to be anyone else up there at about 10,000 feet elevation.

I was sort of dozing when there was a loud THUNK as something hit the car. I jerked fully awake and looked out. It was a really bright moonlit night and I was sitting in a white car on a turnout above the tree line. So the vehicle would have been clearly visible from any distance.
I ran through a list of what could have hit the car. I thought that maybe someone had taken a pot shot with a firearm, or thrown a rock, or perhaps some small fragment of space junk had made it all the way to my car from the far reaches of outer space.

I locked the doors and I didn't get out of the car and sat hunched down peering out waiting for the next missile, and looking at the skylines for movement.
I finally discounted a bullet because I figured that would have punctured the car and ricocheted around a bit and thought it sounded more like a stone, as when a stone thrown up by a truck hits your car.
I couldn't see any one and no more stones came my way.
In the end I thought something must have fallen out of the sky, until I recently saw a video on Yowie investigators (more like Yowie baiters) in Australia who listed small stone throwing as definite Yowie behavior.
Looking back, I vividly remember how loud the sound was when the stone hit and it jerked me into full consciousness, and then everything remained eerily quiet.
At first light I exited the car and had a look for any marks or puncture marks on the car, but couldn't see any. Corvette bodies are made from fiberglass about 5mm thick so they never dent and you have to really whack them to cause any sort of damage.

While I wasn't flustered at the time, I'm now creeped out at the thought of some Sasquatch peering at me while I sleep in my car.

I'm Australian by birth and my undergraduate degree is in Forest Science. I worked in country New South Wales in the lumber industry in the 1980's and heard several stories from very sane level headed men about the presence of Yowies in the forests of the Great Dividing Range that generally ran the along lines of distinct feelings of being stalked usually while overnighting in remote forest areas.

This had never happened before or since, but it was very distinct and freaked me out when it happened. I had the distinct impression someone was trying to get my attention. I've never forgotten that night.

-End Report-

Thanks goes to Phil for sending in the report. If anyone else has experienced possible Bigfoot behavior or had a sightings in this general area, then please let us know. 

Over the years I have talked with many witnesses that report about having rocks thrown at them them or near them. I feel it is a common behavior of Bigfoot. The size of the rock seems to very quite a bit. Some are small pebbles, while others are as large as a basket ball. 



This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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Sunday, February 14, 2021 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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