Railroad Workers Talk About Their Bigfoot Encounters
By Dorraine Fisher
It should seem obvious that many of the people who claim to have seen bigfoot are hunters, fishermen, and other outdoorsmen. But the bigfoot witnesses we often overlook are the railroad workers; those who ride the rails day and night through some of the most remote areas of North America for their jobs every day. And many of them may see things out there and keep quiet about what they saw, but many more want to talk about their encounters to anyone who will listen.
Howtohunt.com is a Youtube channel that’s dedicated to demonstrating outdoor skills to hunters and all those wanting to get out into the woods. And they spend a lot of time out in the woods filming what they do. So it’s no surprise that the subject of bigfoot comes up on the channel every now and then.
The following is a video in which he discusses an email he received from a railroad conductor in the midwest on the Mississippi who speaks of his bigfoot encounters and the encounters his other fellow railroad workers have had. It seems railroaders know bigfoot is real and some of them want to talk about them. And they have some interesting stories to tell. Check this out and tell us what you think. If you like, you can skip over to the 3:46 mark when he begins to tell the story.
This Post By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Dorraine is a
Professional Writer, photographer, a nature, wildlife and Bigfoot
enthusiast who has written for many magazines. Dorraine conducts
research, special interviews and more for The Crypto Crew. Get
Dorraine's book The Bigfoot Research Journal

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