UFO Filmed in Texas
This is a very interesting capture out of Texas. On 10/22/20 the witness was driving and had to stop at a stop light, that is when they noticed the object. The witness described the object as a "metal sphere". The object was moving "right under the clouds in a fast steady direction", according to the witness.
I will have to say I find the video pretty impressive. At the end, the object appears to be traveling at a very high rate of speed.
Here is the video with several enhancements
The witness also said, "I just know I noticed it being a metal ball and there was green on it or around it shining. I tried to video it but my video didn't record it and I almost got in a wreck, so I had to move on and pulled over, and when I looked back up it was gone!"
This was captured in Frisco, TX. If you saw it or something similar, then please let us know.

About 5 or 6 years ago I was drinking at my brother's house in mesquite TX and as always im looking at the stars , there was two "ufo"s racing each other and I told them about it and one of my brothers actually did see that too. My other 2 brothers said that we were crazy but there was something jn the sky going fast as hell , more like playing because one of the would stop for the other to catch up and the go .