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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Black Triangle Sighting in Brentwood, CA

On 9/26/20 four people witnessed a triangle-shaped object in the evening sky. The object stayed stationary for a long time and then took off at a high rate of speed. One of the witnesses filmed the object and caught the movement. The witnesses watched the object for around 30 minutes.

Here is what one of the witnesses had to say:
"At around 7pm, my family of 3 plus an xfinity internet installer witnessed a UFO hover in a position near a star/planet to the right of the moon for about 10 minutes. it appeared out of nowhere. it was triangular in shape, had 2 blinking red lights and one blue/green light that fluctuated but seemed to have a rhythm. We also spotted an occasional white light near it, a couple of which seemed to shoot out like falling stars.The lights were patterned and consistent at first, then starting blinking very quickly and changed color. At that point, the object descended from a celestial location directly downward so fast, it fell from view in about 10 seconds. About 10 minutes later, we saw it ascend at equally high speed until it disappeared from our view.I took 2 videos, but they are crappy as it was dark."

Here is the video along with some attempted enhancements.

I attempted to enhance the video but due to the low lighting and quality of the video, more details were hard to come by.

I personally don't know what this is, but it could very well be some type of military craft.

If anyone else in the Brentwood area saw this object or you know what it was, then please let us know.



This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years of experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and a poet.

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