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Monday, August 10, 2020

Bigfoot: Female Researchers Share Their Perspectives

By Dorraine Fisher

Researching bigfoot is an experience like nothing else. And everyone who does it has a slightly different approach to it. And it’s historically been mostly men who trekked the woods in search of what many used to call a “monster.”  Men often pursue bigfoot as a conquest. They often approach with what they consider to be logic and reason. Most are out to prove these creatures do in fact exist. And they will spend a lot of time and energy out there trying. They have more of a hands-on approach and are often highly competitive. And of course, not all are the same but men often have a more aggressive or just a more methodical  “businesslike” approach to finding bigfoot.

But as bigfoot encounters have not been limited to just men,  in the last ten to 15 years a lot of women have joined the quest and started doing their own research. And they often have a radically different approach in their methods. And methods vary widely. Some female researchers have an almost motherly approach to how they do research. They often approach bigfoot areas more gently. And many have said they don’t care as much about proving bigfoot exists as much as they do about protecting them,  keeping them out of harm’s way, and making sure they have plenty of space to exist in peace. But they also have the same burning curiosity about them. They want to find the areas in which they live, and they sometimes want to find ways to communicate with them. They are less apt to share their research findings and are less willing to debate about them when they do present their findings. It’s not necessarily competition for them.

They often take a more intuitive approach and will often speak more about how they feel in certain situations of their research rather than just what they see and hear. They may use some methods that people may scoff about, but when you’re not necessarily out to prove something exists, you aren’t saddled to rigid details. Many female bigfoot researchers do it for the sheer joy of it. And to make a connection with a creature that few people ever have the opportunity to encounter.

Here are the insights of just a few female researchers who spend plenty of time in the field and have forged their own unique methods and thoughts on the subject, me included. 

Sharon Buck - Pennsylvania

 “I just experience and share. I stopped trying to prove a long time ago. I'm comfortable sharing any insights or warnings and new info they share with me. And all of the high strangeness in my bedroom at night.”

Kris Lohmar - Illinois

“I’ve noticed male researchers are very competitive. VERY.

It’s not about that to me. Other than that, I don’t see too much difference, I’ve been out in the field with both.”

Kristi Hufford DeLoach - Colorado

“I really haven't researched with males or anybody except family. I have had success and know they (sasquatches)  are watchful and curious. I spend time making soft melodious sounds with a flute. One cheap Wal-Mart one was left and it has been found in various locations with tooth marks on the mouthpieces. I also sing and talk to them. As a result of my efforts, I have been left gifts of sticks, pretty stones, feathers and 2 gutted ground squirrels. They were thanked for all gifts. I took the ground squirrels with me. Tossed them later. We used to camp very near the research area. We took 2 campers with us. Crazy I know but one for us and 1 small one the dogs slept in. More than once at the gifting area we had stick placement like a map and 2 placed exactly as our campers were parked as teepees. Others illustrated going up into the rocks and teepee. We assumed showing us where they live. I do not share much because some things that occurred have been nearly unbelievable to me and I was there...experienced it.”

Nancy Marietta - Ohio

“There are both males and females who share my methods of research. The first is to keep an open mind. Then you have to get off the idea that the only good research is in the field. Interviews, books, reports, articles, blogs [in other words, written word and oral research too]. And to forget all that hoopla shown on TV. My research has led me to believe that sasquatch are a people, not an animal. And there in lies any of my successes. I treat both them and the forest and fields with respect and honor. I have no need of photographs, videos, print casts, collection of scat. I see and I know. I learn.

Just that I think experiences sometimes shape how a person goes into research. It determines your feelings depending on what happens and how you react to it. If you are left with a feeling of wonder and a holy hell what just happened? you are more apt to gravitate towards learning how others who have had similar experiences have dealt with it. If you have a bad experience and are frightened out of your wits, you will rationalize it with equating sasquatch with animals or monsters. And that will be how your research either goes or ends. I do think that those who try to research as if exploring a new "animal" will never really find any concrete evidence. Until you twist your mind away from the animal theory, you will always be outmaneuvered and outsmarted and be disappointed.”

Patricia Edgett - Illinois

 “I mostly research with other women. We just hike, look, listen and share ideas. We don't yell, whistle, or wood knock. We walk slowly, look at the ground and the trees. When we find something we suspect might be bigfoot related (a print, a tree break, a structure, etc.) we talk about it, discussing all the possible explanations.”

Cindy Risser Littig - Ohio

Having a male partner, I’ve found we do approach with a little variation. Men go out doing wood knocks, screams and howls trying to deceive them or sneak up on them but personally I believe they find it disrespectful and it may even anger them. These beings are intelligent. I’m not degrading anyone else’s research but the female approach seems to get better results. I feel the sasquatch are more attracted to females for whatever reason. Our voice, our laughter, our hair color, our aura, or whatever reason, it works. My partner had been researching our particular area for 20 years before and never got results until I came along. He could find prints but had no interaction, so he handed the area over to me saying they liked me better. Also I have a sing-song call that’s easily mimicked and they seem to like it. I feel a female has a softer, more subtle approach that they appreciate. You don’t walk into someone’s home being disruptive and screaming. Why do it to them?”

Susan Crone - Colorado

“I enter an area with respect; thank them for letting me visit their home. I tell them who I am..my full name..and come with a humbleness and an open heart. Then, I go about my hike. Noticing all the beauty around me. Water, rocks, trees, plants. Animals, if I am lucky. I look for signs..of all kind. Sometimes, I will get images of them or sense they are near. Sometimes, I receive messages. And..sometimes, they will let you take their photo.”

Dorraine Fisher - Illinois

“I’ve been wandering the woods of Illinois since I was very young. I grew up near the Illinois and Mississippi rivers which are teeming with deer and other wildlife. I have always entered the woods respectfully and gently which I believe has enabled me to see and experience things there that others may not, as I’m a wildlife photographer.  My approach to bigfoot research is practical. But often my intuition takes over and I get caught up in the feelings of it, maybe because I just love being out there and I connect to it so easily. I believe that intuition can play a big part in bigfoot research even if it doesn’t prove anything to anyone else. But I have never had any real desire to prove they exist. I know they exist. And if others don’t believe it, they’re missing out on one of the most amazing phenomena in the world.” 

Special thanks to Susan Crone, Patricia Edgett, Kris Lomar, Cindy Risser Littig, Sharon Buck, Nancy Marietta, and Kristi Hufford Deloach.


This Post By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Dorraine is a Professional Writer, photographer, a nature, wildlife and Bigfoot enthusiast who has written for many magazines. Dorraine conducts research, special interviews and more for The Crypto Crew. Get Dorraine's book The Bigfoot Research Journal

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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