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Monday, December 9, 2019

The Origin of the Famous “Skinwalker” Photo

By Dorraine Fisher

The above photo has been circulating on the internet for years now and we’ve even featured it on our website once or twice. But where did this intriguing and seriously creepy photo come from?   

It seems it all started back in 2014 when an individual who’s name isn’t clear posted this photo on Facebook. The person who posted it claimed it was taken just south of the Jicarilla Reservation in New Mexico between Lybrook and Counselor. This person claimed a geologist working at an oil field in the area was driving home one night in the area, saw something odd on the road and captured this heat signature photo of it. But after the event, the geologist suddenly quit without explanation.

This ignited a firestorm of fear across social media, including many people claiming they frequented that area but would never return if something like that was lurking along the highway. That’s when people began using the term “skinwalker” to describe it, after the Native American legends of the skinwalker: a humanlike supernatural being that walks on all four legs that can change itself into any animal. But to add to the strangeness, anyone who shared the story and the photo on social media found that their post mysteriously disappeared, igniting conspiracy theories and causing people to claim the government was trying to cover up the story.

But soon afterward, the truth came to light. The picture was found to have come from a creepy grade-B sci-fi movie from back in the 1980’s known as Xtro. So we can all relax and watch the highway scene from that movie.

Here is the scene


This Post By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Dorraine is a Professional Writer, photographer, a nature, wildlife and Bigfoot enthusiast who has written for many magazines. Dorraine conducts research, special interviews and more for The Crypto Crew. Get Dorraine's book The Bigfoot Research Journal

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