Recently, I was contacted by a friend, who just discovered that I conduct Bigfoot research and log sightings. We haven't been in contact with each other for a few years, but that changed thanks to social media. It was good to message back and forth with an old friend.
After we talked a little, he told me about his Bigfoot sighting here in my home county of Bell. I instructed him to submit an official report with us. His sighting has, to my knowledge, never been officially reported until now.
Here is his sighting:
- Start Report -
Name: Jamie
Email Address: On File
State: Kentucky
County: Bell
Date of Sighting: 10/09/2015
Time of Day: 9:45pm
Nearest Town: Pineville
Length of Sighting: Approximately 1 minute
How many Witnesses: 1
Any Photos/Videos: No
Describe sighting in detail:
Driving home from my cousins on page cut off, as I was getting close to a small curve I saw what I thought was a big tree stump on the creek side of the road.
As I got closer it took like 3 to 4 steps and was across the road. All I could tell was it looked to be 7 foot tall and brown or black it was dark.
I saw it plain with my head lights, walk with arms to its side and went up a very steep embankment. I stopped but couldn’t see it. I turned around went back and called my friend.
Freaked me out.
I went back the next day to that spot and tried to cross the road, no possible way a human could even get across the road in even 5 steps.
Follow up question
TM: Did you see it's face at all?
J: No, It shocked me and all I remember seeing was it’s whole body. It was dark so my headlights were on it but it was definitely something big and bipedal. I remember the long looking arms kinda swinging.
- End Report -
Of course, we thank Jamie for his sighting report. Jamie is a very creditable witness and has nothing to gain from his sighting. We hope to document the area in the near future.
In this particular area there are few houses and a lot of forest land. This area also has several streams and ponds on it. I have also taken other Bigfoot sighting reports from this general area.

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