Benham Theater: Specters of the Stage is now available on Amazon Prime. The title will be available on other streaming services in the near future. There will also be a DVD release and a possible Blu-Ray version in the future.
For those who are not familiar with the film series, this is the 5th film in the series. Here is the synopsis for the new film and other information.
"The Crypto Files team travels to Benham Kentucky to investigate the beautiful and historic Benham Theater. The theater was a favorite spot for the community for many years. It later sat idle for numerous year until it's renovation. It appears the renovation of the theater has awakened the spirits of the past. As the investigation unfolds the team is amazed and in awe at the evidence they capture."
In this film we explore the history of Benham and of the theater. We conduct interviews with a former employee of the theater and the Mayor of Benham. All of this is followed by an amazing paranormal investigation. We captured some things that will blow you away. I truly hope you will give this film a watch. We have several other films that at slated and in various stages of production. The next 2 films are already shot and heading for the editing room. The next 2 titles include a paranormal investigation of the famous Monroe House in Hartford, IN and a local business in Harlan, KY that has some paranormal activity. We are also currently filming a Bigfoot documentary that will be awesome.
Please help us spread the word on our films. We makes these out of pocket and currently have no sponsors, backers, or any funding from outside sources. With that said we depend on our followers and supports to help us spread the word. If, by chance, anyone is interested in help us in the funding area, please contact us.

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