Camera Test & EVP Session
Recently, we purchased some new 4k cameras and thought it would be good to test out the night shot on them. What better way to check them out than a good old-fashioned EVPs session in our local old haunted jail.
We actually filmed the documentary Imprisoned Spirits: In Search of the Unknown, here at this very location. The jail has a rich history of paranormal activity and a somewhat checkered past.
Here is the video of the EVP Session.
Even though we didn't stay in the jail very long, it was hot as fire in there, but we did manage to get a few EVPs.
The cameras seemed to perform very well. We feel like we have upped our game with these new cams. While making our films, we knew our night vision shots were really lacking in quality and we wanted to make the jump to 4k. In the end, we took the plunge and purchased 2 new Sony cameras. So far we are very happy with them. Yes, we could have gone with a larger, more professional camera but we had to have something that was lightweight, easy to carry, had good night vision, and something we could set up quick.
These cameras were purchased out of pocket, as we don't have any sponsors (yet. Interested? Contact us!) and we have not done a Gofundme. We tried a Gofundme some time back and got the grand total of Zero, lol. Sad but true.
The cameras we were using in this video are the Sony AX33 and the Sony AX53
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the video and we look forward to bringing you some great footage in the future!
post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the
cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto
Crew. Over 20 years of experience with research and investigation of
unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild
land firefighter and a published photographer, and a poet.
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The Crypto Crew
We actually filmed the documentary Imprisoned Spirits: In Search of the Unknown, here at this very location. The jail has a rich history of paranormal activity and a somewhat checkered past.
Here is the video of the EVP Session.
Even though we didn't stay in the jail very long, it was hot as fire in there, but we did manage to get a few EVPs.
The cameras seemed to perform very well. We feel like we have upped our game with these new cams. While making our films, we knew our night vision shots were really lacking in quality and we wanted to make the jump to 4k. In the end, we took the plunge and purchased 2 new Sony cameras. So far we are very happy with them. Yes, we could have gone with a larger, more professional camera but we had to have something that was lightweight, easy to carry, had good night vision, and something we could set up quick.
These cameras were purchased out of pocket, as we don't have any sponsors (yet. Interested? Contact us!) and we have not done a Gofundme. We tried a Gofundme some time back and got the grand total of Zero, lol. Sad but true.
The cameras we were using in this video are the Sony AX33 and the Sony AX53
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the video and we look forward to bringing you some great footage in the future!

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