Today I want to share with you a children's book written and illustrated by Pete Macomber. The title of the book is What Bigfoot Says. In the book young readers learn the different sounds Bigfoot makes while it lives and plays out in the wild. This book is available for free through the Kindle Unlimited service or $1.99 if you want to purchase a copy for your electronic device. This is a good way to get young people excited about Bigfoot by reading with What Bigfoot Says!
I also want to share a short interview I conducted with Mr. Macomber and share a few pictures from the book.

PM: Since I was a boy I have always loved shows like "In Search Of" but the show that really got me hooked was "The Six Million Dollar Man". In fact, I dedicated the book in part to Lee Majors!
TM: How or what gave you the idea to write a children's book about Bigfoot?
PM: I've always been making art and writing, it was a natural part of my process. Love of art + entertaining people + Bigfoot = Childrens book. The book is really fun because if a parent reads it to their kids they can make all kinds of crazy sounds as they read the words.
TM: Do you have any plans to write more books, if so what can you tell us about them?
PM: I have another book on Kindle now called "Santa VS. The Bear" it's a fun Christmas story. I also am just wrapping up a Bigfoot book about the worst jobs Bigfoot could have in the modern world. Bigfoot would suck as a Jockey! I also have a children's book about the worst superheroes ever! That one needs to be formatted so both should be out in a couple of months.

Many times young kids have an interest in Bigfoot and a simple, fun book like this is a way for us to share and enjoy family time together.
If you would like to check out the book, you can do so by Clicking Here.
Bigfoot should be something the whole family can enjoy and books like this make it possible for us to get our younger children in on it.
We wish Mr. Macomber good luck, not only with this book, but with his future ones.

This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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