There is a game trail about 50 yards from our house. In this area is where some morel mushrooms grow. It is in this area where we found 3 large foot tracks. The tracks were somewhat washed out due to the hail and rain.
We think, judging from the size, that this could be from the same individual that left tracks back in the winter, in the snow.
Here are the other pictures and some measurements.

These tracks were 15" long 6" wide. It is hard to see the lines and numbers on the measuring stick in the photos.
The individual who made these tracks made an iimpression that was 2-3"deep in medium/ soft soil. This would indicate the creature was pretty heavy.
This is in the Myrtle Creek area and is a great spot for bigfoot.
We also understand that the tracks are a little hard to see in the photos.

We will keep monitoring the area and provide updates if anything else is found or heard.
-Bobby & Corinna-

Both are avid outdoors people and good researchers.
This is a report by Bobby & Corinna.

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